Welcome to Cafe Latte... c'mon in! Grab a cup of coffee (or tea)... kick back & relax ^.^
At the risk of sounding like a broken record... this account is yet another MDD "do-over" that was still in hiding when "The End" arrived. Hidden no more, I am pleased to present java-junkee and her favorite coffee hRt spRt, Cafe Latte ^.^
The coffeehouse theme was my (youngest) diva daughter's idea... she is, you guessed it, a java junkee! Credit for the inside/outside concept goes to my (oldest) diva daughter... also a java junkee! I took the theme and the concept and developed the loft you are now visiting... I hope you like the final result!
At the risk of sounding like a broken record... please don't copy ANYTHING *sigh*
I may have more to say about java-junkee, Cafe Latte, and copying*... later. Right now, it is time to invite some friends over for a morning mocha, or a cup o' cappuccino!
See you soon... Enjoy ^.^
My Main Account:
As always, I appreciate your visit and any votes left here ^.^ However, votes to my main account are returned first... alternates are returned only if I have votes left at the end of the day. Thank you for visiting!
*** COPYCATS ***
There is a school of thought here on OMD that copying expresses admiration and, therefore, is flattering. Apparently flattery is in the eye of the beholder... some people are NOT flattered, they are frustrated (>.<)
Whether it is another player's outfit, loft, username, or page... here is a good rule of thumb:
Admiration, yes... inspiration, maybe... infringement, NO.
Consider this: How are you ever going to figure out who you are, and what YOU have to offer the world, if you are too busy trying to be like someone else?
Age | Type | City | Country |
100 years | Woman | US | |
Favorite celebrity | Favorite music | Favorite movie | Favorite food |
Favorite colour | My dreamjob | Favorite show | Favorite hobby |