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theyscreamdani has 0 goodness points.


What ever you decide to do, make sure it makes you happy.


Im Danielle and the human race disgust me. I was not put on this earth to impress you, nor was I put on here to be your punching bag. I have my differences, and so do you, don't judge mine. I have not found my purpose in life, fully that is, but I do know where I stand. I hold grudges, because its payment for making me have a grudge to hold in the first place. I have goals and dreams that will be met, because I have my head on straight, and no one can knock me down. Don't let the pretty face fool you. I'm actually a kind giving person, because I know I'd want to be treated with kindness as do you. Music and friends are what I base, well everything on because without either I have no idea where I would be in life. I have amazing friends, basically because I will be friends with anyone who will give me a chance. I don't really have any idols, basically because I believe in growing up at your own pace not someone else's. & Now that I have bored you to death feel free to message me.

Age Type City Country
28 years Woman Somewhere US
Favorite celebrity Favorite music Favorite movie Favorite food
Anything, Ig Planet Of The Apes Fries
Favorite colour My dreamjob Favorite show Favorite hobby
Red Psychologist Teen Wolf Long Boarding

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