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#1 25-04-2012 11:04:07

Registered: 2010
Posts: 2362

Club & Contest Directory

If you would like your club added to the directory, please say the name of you club as well as the URL to the topic on the boards or the doll at which your club can be found.

Please let us know if you decide to close your club as well so it can be removed from the list, thanks!


None appear currently active.

The Big Board Contest:

Faechild86's Gift Giveaway:

#2 01-07-2016 19:35:34

Registered: 2010
Posts: 2362

Re: Club & Contest Directory

List has been updated.

I have closed all contest clubs dating from 2015 back.  If you have no interest in carrying on with your club or contest, please remove it or ask one of us mods to do it.  If you want your club re-opened, just ask one us for that as well. :)


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