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1dfan4everz has 0 goodness points.

Nurse (

 Guess its over 

Im very immature. Selfish. And ungrateful. 

i know very little of what a relationship is or required.

all I know is that there's only two who together as one.

that one thinks of teamwork builds trusting within each other, both being supportive.

the roles are no different. 

Does it matter who wears the pants?

shouldn't relationships be 50/50?

Man or woman, roles do not matter. 

You respect and accept them for who they are.

whats a relationship when you dont have any of this?

stay true, or leave before breaking someones heart.

finding out the truth hurts more than lies and honesty put together. 

She will run to her man in need. He will run to his woman in need.

They will have faith. They will have friendship. 

They will argue from time to time, but they only care about one another.

They will worry and make sacrifices in order to prove they are loyal.

Cherish who you have if she or he is willing to give up everything for you.

(Not family though you fuking crazy.)

Its rare to find women or men that wants true love.

I failed to meet the things ive said above. 

Im pathetic and will probably never find another. I dont even deserve anyone. 

Dying alone. Walking alone. Even if I achieve my dreams. I will never be content with my life. 


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26 years Man Philadelphia US
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