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Adorable outfit~
27/08/2024 à 01:59:22
Nice loft
25/06/2024 à 19:56:12

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the-lost-mimzy has 346 goodness points.

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Welcome to the home of Neala (pronounced nee-la). She is a Mimzy who lost her way traveling the paths of the Fae, and made her home here on OMD instead. Mimzys are a rare type of fae who only enter our world during warm (but not hot!) weather, mostly during Spring. Their magic is very strong when it comes to growing things, so Neala has lots of plants and young animal about. Mimzys are also decent healers as a result, and very much believe in a clean home as a result of thier healing training. Neala has several gardens scattered throughout her home here, and has left an image of Spring wherever she could. Neala's favorite colos are green and pink, and most especially together. She loves pretty things, both in nature, and man-made and collects anything that catches her eye. Mimzys look very much like humans, save for the fact that they never have what we would consider a natural hair color, in addition to having that hair color change according to both their surroundings and mood. If you ever see a mimzy with VERY red hair, run! It means they're in a very bad mood! Green means they're happy/content, but blue means they're feeling a little sad. Flowers always cheer a mimzy (especially Neala!) right up though!

Age Type City Country
38 years Woman Bloomington
Favorite celebrity Favorite music Favorite movie Favorite food
Sandra Bullock Celtic/world Practical Magic raspberries
Favorite colour My dreamjob Favorite show Favorite hobby
blue and silver animater, or voice actress maybe? NCIS, Bones, Medium, The Mentalist, The Closer, Glee, Charmed reading, hiking, dancing

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