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Only 2 groups of people in Sparta could have their names inscribed on their tombstones: women who died in childbirth and men who fell in combat. Monday votes from sweettears90.
30/11/2015 à 00:13:02
Nice and warm on my sofa, watching a funny Christmas mouvie called Elf! :D Extra votes from Sparkle4ever~!!
29/11/2015 à 20:18:32
votes from xlollipopbunnyx <3
29/11/2015 à 10:36:10
+2 from Sparkle4ever!! Have a good night my dear friend! :3
29/11/2015 à 02:30:56
Some birds fly upside down to help them quickly lose height and dodge predators. Sunday votes from sweettears90.
29/11/2015 à 01:13:19
"have patience with all things, but first of all with yourself". votes from xlollipopbunnyx <3
28/11/2015 à 08:22:48
Friday night rainy votes
28/11/2015 à 02:59:21
Choose! A : Money, B : Love or C : Chance, I would choose chance because with chance you can earn money and love! Votes from Sparkle4ever~! ;)
28/11/2015 à 02:30:53
The Canary Islands are named after the Latin word for dog. It's the birds who are named after the island, not the other way around. Saturday votes from sweettears90.