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TO PLAY IN A SECURE MANNER: I don't give my password to any other player. I don't swap codes. I never enter my OhMyDollz personal codes on another website.
You redid this quest? We got a small amount of snow overnight...still snow fluffering a bit! Cold Thursday votes and hugs from joyceeileen :)
27/02/2020 à 17:25:18
Wednesday votes
27/02/2020 à 04:20:43
Votes. :)
27/02/2020 à 03:52:39
Feeling house bound. My SIL rear ended someone because of icy roads and then someone rear ended him. He's ok. Lucy has strep~! ~Votes and warm hugz from Cook iesez~
27/02/2020 à 02:04:14
Ash Wednesday/1st day of Lent! Votes and hugs from joyceeileen :)
26/02/2020 à 17:22:35
Tuesday votes
26/02/2020 à 03:46:35
Took some beef stew into Focus where I go to for Crochet Corner. It's also a place where people go who are in recovery from addictions. A place to hang out. Get advice and support from. ~Votes and warm hugz from Cook iesez~