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~Closing your eyes for a few seconds after turning off your alarm clock is a very dangerous game to play! : ) Sunday night votes and warm hugz from Cook iesez~
04/11/2024 à 01:23:29
I'm reading a book on the history of submarines -- it's very deep!
04/11/2024 à 00:29:12
+2 from Arlekinlain
03/11/2024 à 20:58:00
~One day, you're young and fun and the next, you can predict the weather with your knee! Saturday night votes and warm hugz from Cook iesez~
03/11/2024 à 01:28:12
I'm glad that the stuff finally showed up =)
03/11/2024 à 01:00:02
+2 late votes >:< Im in a hurry, im out with family to go all Day of the Death events.