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My Diva Doll

Category : Personal Video

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wow [03/09/2011 à 08:14:41]
MDRRRR [14/08/2011 à 17:21:21]
mi-uke savimila...giresi savo šlamštu...nežmoniškai žiauri...šakut&#279;s kaip galima b&#363;t tokia tuštute!? >:( ne&#303;sivaizduojama :DDD [25/06/2011 à 19:27:19]
hi i really liked the video and i used to go on mydivadoll too and so i lost ALL of my stuff and i wish i could have returned on ohmydollz. :( [24/06/2011 à 15:57:22]
saffirelle you made a great video...but the music really make me cry i must really sorry for you that MDD closed...i hope that this will reconfort you... [24/04/2011 à 17:47:09]
kejsisulaj u have made very good this video.awesome! [20/03/2011 à 20:25:35]
nouraalyessam Omg..i'm really sorry for MDD :'( this video make me so sad :'( [05/03/2011 à 09:17:26]
i lk that video [21/02/2011 à 19:45:51]
awwwww this video makes me sooo sad im crying on the inside [17/02/2011 à 16:31:22]
sani waw you really had greet times on my diva doll ;) [05/02/2011 à 16:26:26]

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