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~Happy Thanksgiving Sometimes we forget how...
29/11/2024 à 04:05:10
*.-°*-.+2 From Arlekinlain!+.-*°-.* I...
09/09/2024 à 20:53:18
~Why did Adam and Eve get kicked out of the...
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~Rain is in our forecast tonight at midnight!...
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Read all the com'z

mineyeung has 77 goodness points.

Guardian of the tree

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Jasmine | '96 | Hong Kong

Used to be styjasmine on MDD

Daily doses of happiness: coffee, lipstick, tea, and all things floral

Always open to gift exchanges; my preferred gifts are the cacti (they're absolutely adorable!)


Decorated rooms: Loft, Bedroom, Interior Design Room, Stylist's Home, New-York, Newly-wood, OMD Tree, Hogwarts, Magic School, Haunted Castle, Ice Palace, Christmas Eve, Cottage, Scotland, Cabin, Christmas Cabin, Floating Palace, 1001 Nights Room, Versailles, Theatre, Flatmate Room, Romantic Suite, Christmas Room, Paris, Funfair, VIP Room, Small Bedroom, Dressing Room


(for voting)


(not used for voting)



2 9 . 0 8

Took a (1.5 year long?) break and came back. I'd forgotten how lovely everybody was and how warm the community is.

So glad to be back!

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2 6 . M a r c h

Finished decorating three rooms today! Romantic Suite; Stylist's Home; and Newly-wood are now all furnished!


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1 8 . M a r c h

I'm completely smitten with the new room! It's so pretty~and I love the neo-enviromental concept.

And gosh - that dress! I imagine it's going to be a hit with a lot of the sewing machine designers too.


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1 4 . M a r c h

Contemplating if I should just quit joining the shows.

Maybe I'll only join on another server.


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2 4 . F e b r u a r y

New phoenix themed outfit for the "All in Red" fashion show!

Can't believe I'm finally joining my first show for 2018 after so long~


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0 7 . F e b r u a r y

Super busy with uni!

I'm only 4 months away from graduating! Might come on to collect $, but I won't have time to vote =[







Miss OhMyLoft

20.08.24 - Fabulous World (3rd)

18.04.09 - Spring (2nd)(morie)

17.09.11 - Island (1st)(aranya)

17.09.11 - Island (2nd)(morie)

17.06.05 - OMD Drama (1st)



Miss OhMyDollz

18.04.02 - Spring (1st)(aranya)

18.03.19 - Zodiac (1st)(morie)

18.03.19 - Zodiac (2nd)(never)

18.03.05 - All in Red (1st)

17.09.17 - Teacher (2nd)(never)

17.08.07 - Paris (2nd)(aranya)

17.07.24 - Hero (1st)(morie)

17.05.29 - Rainbow (1st)

17.05.01 - Plummage (3rd)



Weekend Fashion Show

18.03.11 - Heart of the Forest

18.02.11 - Garden of Love

18.02.11 - Flames of Pa$sion

17.09.02 - Light Princess:
Fairy Kingdom (C.U.)

17.09.02  - Dark Princess:
Summer Night Dream 

17.08.19 - Light Princess:
Fairy Kingdom

17.08.19 - Dark Princess:
Summer Night Dream



Age Type City Country
29 years Woman Hong Kong Other
Favorite celebrity Favorite music Favorite movie Favorite food
BTS/Wanna One Castle in the Sky
Favorite colour My dreamjob Favorite show Favorite hobby
Beige/Pink The Genius Photography

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