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We went day tripping today up to Lake Erie....
09/03/2021 à 01:42:24

Read all the com'z

desertdeglace has 89 goodness points.

Guardian of the tree



Sorry, at the moment, my work schedule is hectic. I can't leave dailies.


Sometimes, I just visit a loft that I like and leave a small gift or a +2, I don't expect anything back.... and sometimes, it's because I really don't have enough time to leave dailies and I'm trying to make up for it.


Since I have the angel job, I get gift certificate without spending real money. So, don't bother spending hard earned real world money for me. I understand perfectly.


I leave +2 on lofts that I like! Again, I don't expect anything back. It's freely given and given with pleasure.


Sorry, if I made any mistakes on this WIA, I'm a french speaker.



If you feel a bit cold after visiting my loft, you can have a cup of hot chocolate at my alt account: boudidou and boudidou111.

I also play on the french game. I come here not because there is less competition in the fashion show. To be blunt, I never received the reward from feerik when I was supposed to (for the monster fashion show). And I always spend more than the reward on the outfit. On the other hand, I participate even when my outfit is not perfect because the lack of participation in the fashion show, really impairs the game. It makes cheating possible by voting for yourself. So, you might see me around looking nice or stupid but I'm planning to be there when I'm allowed to (and when I have time to... of course).

My rooms:
Garden: Hogwarts (wip) I still need the hogwarts coats and scarfs from amethyst.

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40 years Woman Other
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