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faechild19 has 19 goodness points.

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Girly account, playing around with what I want!


Read Her Lips

| Brisbane, Australia | At The Checkout, Frugal, Top

(I am scanning a customer’s order when I notice she is buying a $30 lip-gloss that is also being given away with a magazine).

Me: "Miss, if you’d like to buy [magazine] for $7.20, you get this exact lip-gloss free inside."

Customer: "But I don’t want the magazine. I just want the lip-gloss."

Me: "I understand, but even if you give the magazine away, you still get the lip-gloss for $7.20 and save $22.80."

Customer: "Do I look like a charity? I’m not going to give away a $7 magazine. Haven’t you heard of saving money?"

Me: "Well yes, what I’m saying is you can save money by buying the magazine–"

Customer: "Stop trying to rip me off and scan my lip-gloss!"

(I ring up her lip-gloss for $30 and she storms off. The next customer puts the same magazine on the counter.)

Next Customer: "I don’t want it either, but I have half a brain."


Sadly, I know people who are like the first customer. I've checked them out at my job. REALLY makes you wonder about the nation's average intelligence.


Age Type City Country
38 years Woman Bloomginton
Favorite celebrity Favorite music Favorite movie Favorite food
Sandra Bullock Celtic/world Practical Magic raspberries
Favorite colour My dreamjob Favorite show Favorite hobby
blue and silver animater, or voice actress maybe? Charmed, NCIS, Medium, The Big Bang theroy reading

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