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*.-°*-.+2 From Arlekinlain!+.-*°-.* I...
09/09/2024 à 20:21:52
+2 from Arlekinlain! have a nice weekend!
27/07/2024 à 21:38:40
Blooms and butterflies usher in the spring.
03/03/2024 à 03:56:55
leveling up
07/04/2023 à 21:15:07

Read all the com'z

anyamalfoy has 281 goodness points.

Movie Star

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OMG everything is finally tidied away!!

It's time to start all over again.

Wish me luck rebuilding everything.


I'm Crimson Feather. Welcome my condo.

I have lots of extra dolls. If they're not listed here they're not me.

~ ~ ~

~ ~




About Votes!

If you'd like to be a daily voter just drop me a PM. If you're going on holiday you don't have to PM. Just put a note on your WIA so people know you're away.
Please keep my votes even. I may not vote back if you only vote for my loft or doll.
I may not vote back from this account as I often run out of votes. My other dolls are listed at the top. When I run out of votes on here I use them instead.





Facebook: Crimson Feather
Twitter: Vitriolicheart
Youtube: justahippyslacker
Tumblr: fake-on-the-outside & nightmareinablackdress



Things I need to buy

Towels, Aquavilla, Party room

Age Type City Country
46 years Woman Somewhere over the rainbow UK
Favorite celebrity Favorite music Favorite movie Favorite food
Gerard Way Metal & Rock Labyrinth Cup Cakes
Favorite colour My dreamjob Favorite show Favorite hobby
Black Hair Dresser Dracula OhMyDolls

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