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Soo...I don't really like doing this sort of thing, but I'm making an exception. My nickname is Lee and yeah, I'm a girl :D. I love my life and I love my friends and I haven't got a boyfriend and I don't want one. I'm more of a tom-boy than a girly-girl, I have 3 dogs, Sky, Jack and Hikie and there's my fish who's names I can't remember. I'm pretty much a crazy gal, that's what they call me at school anyway. Well; I hate giving out my in ation and I hate putting pictures up, so don't expect any. I can't think of anything else to say except that I don't have any brothers or sisters and school is awesome right now. I love Twilight, especially Breaking Dawn. I totally envy Bella and I love Jacob! Edward is awesome and so are the rest of the Cullens. I'm not on a particular team or anything. I love life; but sometimes just wish it was a film, like Twilight or something. I think even when I'm older I'm still gonna have a little hope that vampires and werevolves might exist somewhere. 


Well; that's all for now, so I'll update whenever I want to and if you have any questions just ask me. C ya!!  

Age Type City Country
26 years Woman UK
Favorite celebrity Favorite music Favorite movie Favorite food
Kristen Stewart Pop&Heavy Metal Breaking Dawn Cookie Dough Ice Cream!!
Favorite colour My dreamjob Favorite show Favorite hobby
Dark Purple Author Merlin Singing

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