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28/03/2025 à 10:27:30
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28/03/2025 à 00:12:32
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27/03/2025 à 13:13:55

Read all the com'z

anja has 180 goodness points.


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03.03.25: I thought that I would be able to buy a new laptop in March but as I unfortunately have a few other unexpected things I have to take care of first(as they have more importance!!) & as I am a student( and not rich) I have to postpone that. Gonna work a lot when I have the time to. So sorry- further please DON'T VOTE FOR ME. I will tell you here when I'm able to again!!!

12.17.2024:!!!! IMPORTANT!!!!!!! PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU VOTE!!!!

I won't be able to vote( and I don't know for how long) as my laptop (I also use it

for university, so this is one of the worst situations and timing ) is broken. I can't

use it anymore!!! So I can,'t vote for a while. I'm writing this from my phone, but

I can't vote with my phone, sorry, this just wouldn't be possible. I'm trying to find

a solution asap as, as I said, I also have to write some essays etc. for university.

!!!!!PLEASE DON'T VOTE FOR ME FOR A WHILE!!!!!!!! I can't return the votes for a while!!

And just a few days until Christmas ha-ha, and now this happened. I mean I have it since

2018 I think, so it's been quite a while and just a "question of time"( a German saying, 

innEnglish it would be :"a matter of time" I think??) but I didn't expect it to be now.

Maybe I will be only with my phone to go to work , I'm not sure...

Thank you for your understanding and I will also be back to voting

as soon as possible!!! 




ASTRO-OS | Herznebel, 12.2.2021, Gerold Holtkamp


Still working on the Christmas room!(& all my other rooms aswell!!:D) But university is my priority!


Its December GIFs | Tenor


THANK YOU sierradane for cropping my background picture! Looks much better now!!:)



You should get your votes as usual ! From me or one of my helpdolls( misspizza,missburger, cakepop05, rosemarie) If I am not able to vote on one day, you will get +4 a day after or before.

If you want to exchange daily voes, lmk now via comments! Don't worry if you don't leaving comments when voting, I am going to start to have a look at my "last 100 votes"-list to make sure I won't forget anyone! But please keep my votes even!! Thanks!

-in progress.-

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Completed quests:

November rain

Christmas 2014

Age Type City Country
25 years Woman Somewhere in Germany Other
Favorite celebrity Favorite music Favorite movie Favorite food
my dog! I could make a list & it would be endless...! old Hollywood classics! And I LOVE funny movies! Cheeseburger!
Favorite colour My dreamjob Favorite show Favorite hobby
pink, yellow something with history heh F.r.i.e.n.d.s (but soo many more!!) being outside exploring cities & nature, shopping, reading..

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