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People are shocked when they find out that I am...
08/02/2025 à 00:27:41
+2 :3
07/02/2025 à 21:45:13
+2 from SIERRADANE: Calories make the world go...
07/02/2025 à 00:34:00
+2 from Arlekinlain! ~~
06/02/2025 à 02:33:17

Read all the com'z

april has 109 goodness points.

TV presenter

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p>HI  I am April and I have April613. Any other dollz with the name April in it are not me.  Thanks   

I did the gossip doll quest! so I get a vote when I give one!

This game gets me through the tough times!

remember to wait 2 months AFTER winning 1st to enter again!!!!!!!!!

Remember we used to have to wait 6 months. The computer does not do that . YOU as a player have be responsible, and it’s hard because you have to enter a week early for the WEEK of the show, I think there is leeway there. ??

Rule is wait 2 months to enter again after winning 1st place and I don’t remember or know when this changed from 6 months but I am looking.

Fashion show Winners 2023. O the bugs Think I might strongly roll eyes



Hogwarts is Hermione Granger and crookshanks at Hogwarts, still working on it.    Aquarium: a yacht hiding a secret elevator ride to mermaid dwelling.  Yacht is pirate ship. NewYork is indoor shopping. Bed 3 is clinic. omd village is fairytale parade

Now years ago when I completed this fairy tale parade the room was not offered—not fair and so sad. Find it in the omd room.


Loft Level goal completed! 222


flirt only goes to 54?? Mathieu? -->

Age Type City Country
100 years Woman mid-south tornado area US
Favorite celebrity Favorite music Favorite movie Favorite food
Matt dillon / Timothy Hutton 80's The outsiders Ravioli
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black and red and rose singer/songwriter/voice actor Criminal Minds this game & sudoku

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