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Thank you~! Have a wonderful week~! Cook iesez
12/04/2021 à 04:20:01
Another beautiful sunny day but very windy and...
06/02/2021 à 04:28:29
It's been a good day. I finished making my...
29/01/2021 à 02:47:19
1 to make you even from Cook iesez
23/09/2020 à 05:09:41

Read all the com'z

bluelove has 0 goodness points.

Top model

About me!

{#gai}I don't know how to write these things so please bear with me. I am very shy and an introvert but when I get to meet someone for a while, I become more of an extrovert with them. Once I have gotten to know a person much better, I feel more comfortable with them. I am trying to become more outgoing when meeting new people. My birthday is April, 17th. I love talking to friends. Feel free to message me whenever!


I love reading and art.{#fete} I have many books that I like. I prefer to read fiction. Realistic or fantasy are my favorite. My favorite color is blue (hence the name). I like any shade of blue, black, violet, and green. I adore finding different ways I can use pencil and color. If you have any suggestions on anything I may read or create, please tell me by sending a personal message. I also love learning new things, wether it's science or culture. I just love learning!

{#montr}I try to make my doll look as presentable as I can. Comment what you think of my outfits!


{#new}UPDATED!! Important news: {#new}


Please check your last 100 votes because I'm voting silently! But I won't do daily votes! I apoligize! I love you all! ❤❤❤



Guys my lifetime votes reached 1,000! Thank you to all of you who voted for me! I can't explain how much I appreciate every one of you! I love you all! Always smile at the world with your chin up! ❤❤❤


I do read your comments and thank you all for them! ❤^^ I love you all beautiful dollz and people!

Please keep my lifetime votes even. Thank you for taking the time to read my profile! I check my last 100 votes, so please don't say you voted when in reality, you did not.

Thank you!!! <3 {#lol}


My voting alternative account:

sweetmint silverblood hadamitica






Thank you a-frenchie!!! I love it!!! <3


Here I'll share different things I find interesting. I will share things from books, poems, and things (if recomended) in the store in this website!


  • Guys, remember that there are always two sides of a coin. Also remember that there is a rim to the coin!

  • I read this poem by Elizabeth Barrett Browning called, "A Curse for A Nation." I found it really inspiring and interesting! If you choose to look into it or you've read it before, please share your opinion about it to me!


Favorite Lyrics:


"If you wanna break these walls down, you're gonna get bruised," (Castle, Halsey).


"I take my throne, lay it on the mountain, and make myself a king," (King's, Tribe Society).


"Whose ammunition justifies the wrong?" (Crossfire, Stephen).

I hope you enjoyed the things I shared!{#star}

Thank you so much for the gorgrous gifts! <3


Age Type City Country
24 years Woman Other
Favorite celebrity Favorite music Favorite movie Favorite food
I can't decide I can't decide I can't decide I can't decide
Favorite colour My dreamjob Favorite show Favorite hobby
blue I still don't know reading and sketching

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