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bre-cheye has 35 goodness points.


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September 7, 2016:

Happy Birthday me

Levi turned 6 last month & Macy is now 20 months old

My little boy Levi (he'll be 5 this august 1!)is now a big brother! Macy Dawn was born on Jan 4 2015 at 12:34am... been busy, so didn't think to update that part of my life here.



Just shows you that a bully can be any age... out of the blue, this person sent me these PM's... I need to get a life?  I have a life, you need one instead of trying to insult me & upset me which you didn't... you just kinda PO'd me



Age Type City Country
35 years Woman My City US
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Celtic & Country Fried cabbage
Favorite colour My dreamjob Favorite show Favorite hobby
red and black Mother

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