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bunnybop98 has 2 goodness points.

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Who am I? Give a try! Still trying to figure that out.

For the meantime your just gonna have to deal with what I can tell you about myself.

Lettuce see. lettuceISEEU(pun intended)

I'm a true Canadian, yes Canadian indeed. I live in a igloo.  

A little smaller than this one actually.

It's okay my personality makes up for the lack of home. I promise you.

Patriotic? of course not.       



I am a girl, yes a girl. I am awesome, probably one of the coolest people you could find on the internet. My love for gaming is silly, yes. But I am pro.

I love being the center of attention, ( thought I'd lay it all out on the table..)I've been called the "nice" mean girl of my school! LOL 

Guess that would make me a "C-A-D-Y" ? hah!

I have a crazy p***ion for all things nerdy, that being said, I love many sciences. --Mainly biology... :$

Let's see I could probably name 100's of things that I like that would be in the NERD genre.. but seeing as though I'll probably look like a tryhard, and I'm kind've scared of seeing that list myself to tell you the truth!

Even though I have my nerdy tributes, I am definitely far from that.

At school I put extreme effort into being the ideal girl, I'm talking hair,clothes,makeup,walk,talk,grades,sports,friends. School is my favourite thing on this planet and I take pride in being a real life princess that gets to grace the world with her skills and gets to earn her respect just like any normal girl! 

Geez, I wish I'd get an honorary award for all that. A day out of the house typically takes me about an HR to get ready... sorta lengthy but I love to represent my man at all times the best I can be 

Sad? No. I look it like a strength, I build myself. Now I am not trying too look like Barbie, by no means. I love enhancing myself, and what I was born with. I know at the end of the day I am admired for my natural beauty, and my unique look!

My mother always told me I was beautiful, and that, is wired in my brain forever.

ANYWAYS. Enough about my self-absorbedness.

Here comes the beloveds of mine:

I love running, omg, If I could just run for hours and hours and just never stop.

I'd be A.) the skinniest person alive. B.) The happiest person alive.

<---not me.

i already am but it contributes.


Moving on, that's the sporty side of meeh. Next is my creativeness

or whatever.


I love to draw, doodle, paint, colour. YOU NAME IT. Just give me a pencil, or a pen, or a crayon and I'll do the rest.


now my music is a little different, weell I guess for this century.

I listen to rock & rooolll old-school stuff, nothing that weird.

I really love Queen though. :$  


Anyways Pretty Little Liars is on, one of my other obsessions. (Vampire Diaries is another show I tune into. :p



                    Vampire Diaries ^


On top of it all I'm neoqueenrichard1! Self-love sunshines, spreading love & ☮️ will allow you to soar higher than you can possibly imagine. 


::: ((
*: (=' :') :* I didn't lie when I said
•.. (,('')('')¤°  I liked bunnies..
¸.•*¨*`•.ђคשε ค ηï¢ε đคу! ¸.•*

Age Type City Country
27 years Woman Canada Other
Favorite celebrity Favorite music Favorite movie Favorite food
Me Rock&Roll ;) Wizard Of Oz Fruits&Veggies
Favorite colour My dreamjob Favorite show Favorite hobby
Purple Doctor The 70's Show Drawing

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