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complicateddisorder has 0 goodness points.

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Haha. I have my friend, his kid, and another friend's kid at the beach with me. 


Hello every one. I take a bowe to you. I'am complicateddisorder becouse, well, I' am a little complicated.  But then again who is not? 

You may call me by my real name Tripp. Yep, Tripp. Not like the close but as in # 3 Tripple. I have two older brothers named Adam and Deuce. So do you see the theame yet? We are 1, 2, 3. Our Christmas presents was even labeled by numbers. Bhaha. I do not know what was going throu my parents heads when they named us. But they were hippys so I think I get how they used Tripp as 3 for my name. Ha ha ha.


My favorite animals are penguins. I love those little guys! I hope to have one as a pet one day.


Now pets:


I have shrimps/Krills/cleaner pets.

Names after foods: ***tail, Tempura, Scampi.

Now there is Small fry, a kid from Tempura that I keeped.

Krills, named after Happy Feet, are Bill and Will.

My cleaner is named after Jacques from Nemo.  He likes playing with the bubbles from his wound up fish that I some times put in the tank with him.


Peace brothers and sisters.



Age Type City Country
100 years Man Cal US
Favorite celebrity Favorite music Favorite movie Favorite food
60s Rock Happy Feet and pirates of the caribbean, Finding Nemo Lobster
Favorite colour My dreamjob Favorite show Favorite hobby
Blues Suffer/ owneing a beach shop Suffing

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