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Don't waste your time on me...

Status; I love you baby girl 

Lyrics; I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but I'm too young to worry.

M'kay, so, my name is Ryan. :3 I am me, myslef, and I. I am 17 years young living in a world full of messed up things and people who bug the living *** out of me. I turn the next age u[ Noveber 11th. :3 I am, currently, taken by the best . I am also bi, and equal on who I perfer. I believe in being yourself and doing what you like. I am not here to please you, but if I care for you, I'll do anything in my power to make you happy. I try to be positive in this negative world. I always look on the happy side of life. :)  Music just happens to be a great deal for me. I listen to bands like Sleeping with Sirens and Ghost Town. I really dislike the 'pop' music. I play the guaitar, and semi sing. I don't believe I'm that good, but I'm getting better. :3 I am an open book, I wear my heart on my sleeves and I'm not a big fan of that. I believe 'love' and 'hate' are strong words. I don't use them unless I mean it. My family is important to me. I have a caring mother, a brave as hell little sister, a gorgeous lovely middle sister, and a bad*** older brother. :) My father is gone..but we're doing great on out own.

I shall write more later.:3

If you have any questions, you can ask. :)


So, another fact about me, I love the idea of a family. I love mine, specially my little sister Aura. :3

Aura is 5 years old and she means the world to me! She is the strongest little girl I have ever known. She is caring, understanding, and loving.

When she was 4, my father became an alcholic. He went on rampages all the time and he would beat me and my mother. I was old enough to fight back but my little sister was to little. When my fatherlost satifaction in beating me and me fighting back, he went to my sister.

Thats when I lost my mind. I actually hit my father so hard I knocked him out.

Shortly after that we lost him to Alchol poisioning.

Aura never showed her pain, never cried, never made a fuss.  She was stonger then I was.

Even after everything, I do miss him, he may have hit me, my mother and my sister, but he was my father. I do love him.

I love you Aura, keep strong, you're my world. 


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34 years Woman UK
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