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florencerosey has 0 goodness points.



Hi there :D!

Nice to meet you and welcome to my page!

If you have voted for me, I will definitely return the votes.

 Thank you so much for your support and visit!



Alternate account for helping to return votes:



~14 February 2019 Update~

   Lately I've been getting a little busy and might not be online and vote back daily, so sorry about it. If you have not seen me return your votes, please hold and wait until I get back to return them.

~5 March 2019 Update~

Hi friends! So sorry to say that I won't be coming online much for now and I'm not sure when will I be active on this game again. I won't be able to return anyone's votes and therefore please don't vote for me as for now. Thank you to everyone who had been exchanging votes with me all the while and I apologise for the missed votes ><. 

Age Type City Country
31 years Woman Middle Earth Other
Favorite celebrity Favorite music Favorite movie Favorite food
Pewdiepie The Last Goodbye by Billy Boyd Lord of the Rings Pasta
Favorite colour My dreamjob Favorite show Favorite hobby
Red Youtuber LWIAY Gaming

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