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foofie has 648 goodness points.

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Hello. I guess you could call this a hidden account of mine, since I won't be mentioning it on my main account, at least for awhile. I'm going to try basing this account myself, with furniture and clothes according to my own tastes, barring whatever I get when I complete a $7 a day job. And even thenm i'm likely to delete stuff I don't like, since I won't be going for any trophies here. I may use it to vote for people who are going for vote trophies, and while I'd appreciate returned votes, if you're short don't worry about it. ~Faechild86




In terms of my tastes, I like bright colors, either by themselves or in patterns that aren't to 'busy', simple lines (squares and circles) and manga art. I'll probably just be saving money here for awhile, if it's not within three steps of an adventure, I'll probably be p***ing it up. Will also eventually download GIMP, and use that to create a loft plan. We shall see!  Many thanks to Arlekinlain for the layout, I got it at, her website, although I found the picture elsewhere.


Age Type City Country
38 years Woman college town US
Favorite celebrity Favorite music Favorite movie Favorite food
Chloe Agnew World Practical Magic Raspberries
Favorite colour My dreamjob Favorite show Favorite hobby
various Not Sure Bones Dancing and Hiking

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