warning kidz if u enter this page it might already b 2 late cuz my kinda crazy is very contagious!!!
2 my haterz ;)
96% of people would die if someone said it was uncool 2 breath, but put this on ur profile if u would be 1 of the 4% who would be laughing your *** off
my friend made this account and gave it 2 me so im just say'n im not exactly goth but i cant really say im not i just dont like going by lables so yeah. . . whatever
so the namez sa5m (5 is silent)
(this is a message 2 the Mis Fits and the Outcasts the Ones that feel they dont belong)
dont u just hate the way the world keeps asking us 2 change when they r the ones that stay the same
(i know i do) copy and paste this on your page if u agree
love me or hate me
still an obsestion
love me or hate me
that is the question
if u love me then thank u
if u hate me then f*ck u
i have byp***ed crazy
slid right by insane
and on my way straght 2 pycho
╔═╦═╦══╦╗Put This
║╔╣═╣██║║On Your Profile
║║║═╣╔╗║╚╗IF You Are Not
╚╝╚═╩╝╚╩═╝A Poser
put this on your
profile if you
love to smile!!!!! :D :D :D :D
here is a list of people u dont mess with . . .
sara(dont have an account)
max(dont have an account)
they r my family and if u hurts them - letz just say ur gona take a trip 2 the hopital k :)
sooooo i dont have any pics of me (i prefer 2 stay behind the camara) but letz c . . . im 17 1/4 i have short red hair with black high lights i have blue-ish eyes i have some persings 1 nose and a few ear ones o and i have 5 tattoos (not saying where) dont know what else 2 say?
anyway talk 2 me
i dont bite
unless your into that kinda thing ;)
lol just playing with u (...maybe...) :P
Age | Type | City | Country |
28 years | Woman | idk lost some where n hell | Other |
Favorite celebrity | Favorite music | Favorite movie | Favorite food |
nobody | music | u | |
Favorite colour | My dreamjob | Favorite show | Favorite hobby |
black, white, & grey | whatever? | pissing off the devil he's a |