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 I do not do dailies...
I do, however, use this doll to help people with voting trophies. Those votes are freely given and do not need to be returned... Good Luck!
Have Fun ^.^

January24, 2013:  The new recording studio is (mostly) complete... I just need a satisfactory grouping of chairs/stools for the "jam session" area.  Any suggestions?

GypsyRose's recording studio is, perhaps, a little cla$$ier than most I have been in (which are generally filled with cast-off, hand-me-down, even straight-from-the-curb furniture :P)... but I've never personally experienced a true "big time" studio, so I'm limited only by my imagination (and the items in the boutiques)!

~ welcome to my ROCKSTAR account ~

This loft is a previously unreleased MDD "do-over" originally named bcknblck (my daughter's AC/DC fan doll).  Although the doll was hers, the actual design was mine.  Like most of my accounts, this loft plan was inspired by a single item:  the introduction of brick walls in the Garage store... after all, every rockstar got their start in a garage band!

I liked this design so much that I rebuilt it in my Cannes room... hence the name "The Underground" (Cannes being located below the main loft).  I was absolutely thrilled when the Rockstar Adventure came along later ^.^ I had been toying with the idea of recreating this account on OMD when the Limited Edition guitar was offered... that settled that!

 Although the rewards from the Rockstar adventure are lost (and the much cooler Limited Edition motorcycle >.<), I have rebuilt the base account... perhaps time will bring another perfect addition.  Until then, sit back and enjoy the music.  Click the video below to see the Cinderella song that inspired Gypsy Rose's name (and who could forget Gypsy Rose Lee?)

Rock On!!!


Thank You for your visit ^.^

CREDITS: | Nela Dunato In Obscuro Paint strokes Photoshop brushes | emogirl98 Glitter-Graphics brick wall | OMD OhMyDollz grafitti stencil |

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