Hyousa (Chains of Ice) - Rurutia
lyrics translation

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Lyrics: Rurutia
Composition:: Rurutia
雪のようさ いつも君の手は冷たいね
つないだら そっと溶けてしまいそうだよ
yuki no you sa itsumo kimi no te wa tsumetai ne
tsunaidara sotto tokete shimaisou da yo
Your hands that are always so cold are like snow
When I hold them it’s as if they’ll melt
誰に許されなくても 全部無くしても
会いたくて 会いたくて
もう 戻れなくていい
dare ni yurasarenakute mo zenbu naku***e mo
aitakute aitatakute
mou modorenakute ii
Even if no one forgives us, and even if I lose everything
I want to see you, I want to see you
Even if there is no going back
世界の果てまで輝いてるよ 君がいる
神様 今だけは目を瞑っていて
つないでも いつか消えてしまう人だと
sekai no hate made kagayaiteru yo kimi ga iru
kore ijou nozomanai kara
kami sama ima dake wa me wo tsubutteite
bokura no ayamachi wo
hontou wa sukoshi kowakute mayotteta
tsunaide mo itsuka kieteshimau hito da to
Because there you are, shining until the end of the world
I won’t ask any more than this so
God, just for now please close your eyes to our mistakes
The truth is I was a little afraid and lost my way,
thinking that you were a person that would disappear someday even if I held onto your hand
omoide nante iranai no
kurikaeshi mune wo kiritsukeru dake dakara
kimi no sonna kotoba ga
I don’t need memories
because they would just continue to cut away at my heart
Those words that you said
boku no kokoro wo koori no kusari de shimetsukeru
itami ni furuenagara
yoru ni magirete bokura kanashii hodo ni
tsumi wo kasaneteiku
My heart is bound tight by chains of ice
As we tremble from the pain
and slip away into the night, our sins ac***ulate
so much so that it’s sad
世界の果てまで輝いてるよ 君がいる
神様 今だけは目を瞑っていて
sekai no hate made kagayaiteru yo kimi ga iru
kore ijou nozomanai kara
kami sama ima dake wa me wo tsubutteite
bokura no ayamachi wo
Because there you are, shining until the end of the world
I won’t ask any more than this so
God, just for now please close your eyes to our mistakes