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ilovem12 has 0 goodness points.

Haute Couture Designer

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Asking for votes. I will not vote back. 

Asking for presents. 

Spam. (This is something that will get you in trouble)


Copy anything off this page. The welcome sign IS copyrighted by ME. So abosutly no copying. 


Bye bye black dye and hello to blonde THEN red dye ^.^

 My Story:

Im 17 years old

Photography, writing, anime and drawing are my pas.sion 

I love music. Any kind really(: 

I am shy but open up more as I talk to you.

I am movie obbsessed (:

Little things about me: I love my friends, and yes I am taken, and straight ;P I hope to travel a lot in the future and write a book. I do play WoW and supposedly play like a noob... Oh well xD I am not emo/scene/goth/preppy etc. I'm me and can't stand sterotypes. I have 2 dogs (boxers), 2 cats, and 2 ferrets =3 I am orginally Ilovem, Ilovetuff, and Ilovem2 from MDD. And don't be afriad to talk to me, I love making new friends =)


Anime: Fullmetal Alchimist:brotherhood, Code Ge***, Paradise Kiss, Wol'fs Rain, Inuyasha, Hakuoki, Eureka 7, Elfien Lied, and much more (:

Favorite band: 30 seconds to mars<3

Favorite food: ice cream, raman noodles, and some more xD

Favorite movies: Narnia, Lord of the Rings, super hero movies, Pirates of the Carribean, and Avatar.


Voting accounts:





 Best books ever made<3



 Dailies: (just ask if you want to do dailies)


Thanks so much rukia131<3

Thanks so much cocobelle for the drawing <3

thanks kadestry(:


thanks dainaluvsuju x3

Made by Willowskye.<3 

Thanks Darkelfqueen 

 Ilovem12 AvatarIlovem2ilovetuff

You can take the girl from my diva doll, but you can't take the my diva doll from the girl. <3

Always in my memories, Ilovem, Ilovem2, and Ilovetuff<3

4 years of memories never die. 


Age Type City Country
29 years Woman Stalker much...? US
Favorite celebrity Favorite music Favorite movie Favorite food
To many XD Any x3 Pirates of the Caribbean depends on my mood(:
Favorite colour My dreamjob Favorite show Favorite hobby
Blue, Black and red :3 Professional photographer anime ^.~ Photography, writing, anime, and horses

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