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itsamberxbabee has 0 goodness points.







Let's Dance In The Rain

♥GrabSomeoneSexyTell Em Hey

Main Loves ;




Kacy (:



Status; Talking to you just makes my friggin' day ♡ (;

Pics Are Look-Alikes(:

Talking To; No one. I'm such a loser ;)

Welp, This guh' right hur, is the best. She's one of my main girls.

She can always make me smile & she's absoloutely perfect. She's breath-taking & absoloutely awesome, in every way, shape, oressage this girl! You won't regret it, I know I didn't. She's taken! Sorry guys! She's the bomb, like tick tick! You better check your laces, cause you're trippin' if you think she's gonna deal with all the middle-school drama all these hoes' be bringin' up here. She'll put you in her place, & if she needs help, she'll call me up & I'll eat you like lobster. If you want to know more about this incredibly incredible girl, just hit 'er up! ;D I Love You Amber! <3 More than your lover! >;D -Brittany.







Hey bisssh, this be the most bomb muthaaa'***aa hope. (: omg, you're so pretty! I'm soo jelly. :o You & your boy are to cute, &'his name is Vinny?! Say whaaa. That's w***uupp. ;D You should be a model! Cause you be workin' it. ;) &' dont get me started about you eyes, too pretty! They're like stars in the sky at night. ;D Well lemme cut to the chase, I hate you. Yours too pretty. Well I l o v e y o u <3 -Hate on it ***.


Hey, Hey, Hey! It's FaaatAlbeert. <3 Nah' I'm playin' It's Brittany! As in the one & the only! Well, One thing I can absolutely say about you is that I think you're gorgeous. You're so pretty, like beyond belief. & You're super nice. I was shocked pretty people could be so nice. & You're pretty dope. Like, doper than dope. You're dope-a-licious. Lefit Snap-back Swag right here. Well I guess that's it. I just met you, & I already love you, so feel appreciated. ;) -Brittany(Brittanygotswag)

mber . You're awesome and legit with a whole lotta swag . Everyones jealous . Hell yeah . Your gorgeous . Ima borrow your face sometime kayy . Well i'm not good at these . But oh well just want to say your ah-mazing . Love Sophie . <3


Hola Chicka..(: So, This is Brianna. Well First Of all, You're so Pretty! Like I'm Jealous &&+' I Love Your Eyes.C: You Should Be On Jersey Shore.;D Ha ha. You Would Be A Good Jwow. Lmaao, Well I know this thing sucks.:o But, We Met About Like, Yesterday right? Some Shiit like that,.&&+' I Already Love You.[: You're So Awesome.&&+' very Nicee.c: Hm...Well I Love You. <3

~BriannaJohansson. <3

Okaay Babaay <3 This Be Jenna (: (jennaxoxo) Anyways ; Let's Start Off With This ;; Gimme' Yo Face Bish :P I Mean Have You Seen Itt ? Drop Dead Gorgeous .<3 You're Like My First Friend On Here &' *** <3 i L o v e Y o u (: Yeah, You , Not Her or Him ; Y O U ! This Probably Sucks But, Oh Wells (;



Haay Doll Baby, You Look Like A Barbie Doll, But You're Not Because You're 100% Real, Not Fake (; But Girl You Fine, You Fine; Gorgeous!! I Think You're Holding A Secret, You Photoshop Your Eyes. Ha, Joking They're Perfectoo! :S My Confused Lippsyy! But Girl You're Awesome! You The Ishh & All That In A Peanut Butter Sandwich, Oopsie I Mean Chip Bag (: But Ayeee, You Smexaay Lemme Holla' At Dat ;) FWM Nigguh. Lmao, Gimme Those 7 Digits Plus Your Area Code Because MUTHA ***ERS IMMA STALKER ;D DAT @$$ DAT @$$!! Lmao. Oh Yess <3 Well I Love You.

~Summahh A.k.a. The Ishh (; (Mizzsummer)


Hackedd ~ By WHOO? The One & Only Emmie . ThankYou ThankYou! Please Stop Claping ;D . Ahaha . Iloveyou Amber . You're So Pretty . &' Nice . Your Conceited Af' . But Thats Kind OfA Good Thaang c; . I WAS YOU'RE FIRST MESSAGE ;D . Thats Cool Isnt It ? #HATE . Ahaha . Were Like Twins . Remember? ;D . Anyways . If Anyone Hurts You Tell Me . Bc They'll Be Dead Within A Half Of A Second . Iloveyou~ ~Emmie [Emmiexboo]


Ha! Im hackng you and your Gorgeous self C; Agreed. Im pretty sure if anyone doesnt like you its because they Are jealous. I personally Think I'm Lucky to talk to you^^ HeeheeC: Ne wasy ILOVEYOU Ambie:D, Ashez ~~alotofthings~~


Alrightyy;Ill Be At The Bottom.BEST for Last,Worst For First.>;D.HAHAA.Well,Anywho.AmbaWizzle,C:<.We Just met,But You're TOTALLYY awesome.Like,No Joke.we Both Wanna Be Rappers Some Dayy<3;D.& we're Too Cool.Too Cool.(:<.AmbaWizle,Has So Much Swagg,I have to admitt Even IM jello.;c.BUT.She's Still Pretty Chill.>:).& Gorgeous.<3.I Meann,Look At Hurr' Face.Well,LaahYouuAmbaWizzle<3.,~JessBizzle.(: ^^Jessxbabe




The Boyfriend . ^ (;


So, This Is Vinny (: We've Been Together For 1 Year & I've Loved Every Second Of Them. (: When You're Not Online, I Sit Here & Look At All Our Messages & Smile Like An Idiot ;D They Say Nobody's Perfect but, You're Perfect To Me. (; Cheesey; I Know. You Make Me Smile My *** Off & Its Adorable. You're Adorable , Even If You Think You're Not. ;) That Picture Up There ; Yeah ^ That One? ***, (; I Miss You So So Much. I'm Very Jealous & What's Mine Is Mine So, Back Off Girls. K? Thanks (: You're Amazing, Cute, & Just My Everythang. The Only Reason I'm Even On This Site Is Because Of You, Jordyn, & Brittany. There Were Times That You Were Hardly Ever On & It Made Me Want To Quit But, Jordyn & Brittany Were There For Me (: We Talk Like Bestfriend's & I Love That. We Haven't Gotten Into One Fight ; Pretty *** Good (: You're Amazing, Love;) You're Smile ; Oh *** ;) I'm Very Lucky That You're Mine! I Had This Insane Crush On You When We First Started Talkin' (: You're My World Babe. <3 I Can Go To You For Any'thang & Stuff (: You Say The Cutest Things & Make Me Smile/Blush All Crazy . c; I Can Actually Be Myself 'Round You (: I'ma Make This Long ;) You're Insanely Cute ; I Mean Have You Seen That Picture Up There? ^ Oh *** .. (;I Think I Already Said That ? I Stalk You're Page Sometimes, Just Cause I Wanna See Your Face (; Oh Well ! I Think I Call You Like VinnVinn Or Some 'Ish Like That (: And Only I Can Call Him That ! c; 7 Months & Still Going ;) 12.30.11 <3 Finally, You're Everything To Me . I Love You Oh So So Much.

- Forever & Always .

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