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joshuaxdrake has 0 goodness points.


 Alright so my name is Alexis Alexandria Allen. Please Call me Lexi ;* I'm 21 years old and I'm just your average wreckless human. My birthday is October 28th. I only stand about 5'5" Don't Hate. I've been through one hell of a life. I'm just really wanting a few friends and perhaps a love? My ***uality truly doesn't matter. I personally believe every family has it's hardships. Every human has an inner struggle you don't even understand. So why judge? Why hate someone?  I'm Single, Not that anyone cares.  I'm really nice at times but if you *** with my friends, family, or Boyfriend(When I have one) I will honestly kill to keep them safe.

I honestly think I'm going to use this profile thing to vent a lot of the times. So, You don't need to read if you don't care.

Status; Well, I thought things were good.

Status2; pretty much mind blown


Enjoy my Face. ;) 

There's always something about a person that allows you to believe they can be different. But, sometimes, just believing they have changed can be very harmful. Things don't always go how you want them to. Eventually you will end up alone again.

They always tell me to follow my dreams and to love unconditionally. But, you see, it's not that simple. Life is full of obstacles and  hardships. Some of which you may never even think of happening. Finding out someone you love has been diagnosed with cancer can be a heart wrenching experiance. I know because I've been there. The difference is. I'm the one diagnosed.  I have hit bottom and I no longer see a way to rise from the ashes. 

Everything happens for a reason. But the question is why me. Why now. I'm still young. I'm still growing. I still have a life ahead of maybe I'm not that lucky. Maybe. Just maybe. This was meant to happen to me. I don't understand how God has to choose those who are doing well. It's like bad luck. Or a curse. I don't know. All I know is I can't just give up. Not yet.

Alright. Treatments have stopped working and I look like hell. For some reason I can't find a reason to fear death. I know it's coming for mee and i guess there is really no way to prevent what's meant to be. The real question is why me? Why now. What makes it so I deserve this...... I've been a great person. Or I thought I was. .. 

Sometimes you just need to bite your tongue and get over it. There are things that we can't change and you just need to deal with them. There is always something in the way of your success. Jump over it. Get to the finish line

There once was a girl happy as can be. Now she's depressed and doesn't wanna try. I know this story because that girl is me.


Well.... I'm here. I survived. I guess there's a reason for me after all.

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29 years Woman
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