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~Happy Thanksgiving Sometimes we forget how...
29/11/2024 à 04:01:30
hello for Wednesday
27/11/2024 à 19:30:16
~One day, you're young and fun and the next,...
03/11/2024 à 03:24:21
01/11/2024 à 18:44:59

Read all the com'z

laurabow has 71 goodness points.

Guardian of the tree

You aren't a VIP member yet!
To obtain the VIP room and lots of other advantages, you must be a VIP member!

You can subscribe for a week, so you proceed at your own pace.
If you already are a great OhMyDollz fan, you can subscribe for several months!

Join the VIP's very private circle!

Obtained: Vampire Dwelling room (it's been so long since I made this reminder, I forgot what the room was going to be for).
The VIP room becomes read only.  I can move stuff around like when you're visiting another person's loft, but there's no save option, just a sewing machine button (which saves the room upon selecting it).  My Things still works for moving items in/out of  the room itself.

Upon trying to visit the room, this message appears:

You aren't a VIP member anymore!
You aren't a VIP member anymore, therefore, you cannot access the VIP advantages!

To access the furniture and outfits that were in your VIP room, go to My things.
br/>You can become a VIP member again whenever you want, and if you leave your furniture and clothes as they are, the layout of your VIP room will remain the same!

Join the VIP's very private circle!

Thank you to thecatsmeowsez for the tiger inner tube, jack-o-lantern, and spider!
Thank you to redbear for the "I <3 Sarah" shirt and "Spooky" tag!
Thank you to sallysez for the cake!
Thank you to hollysez for the Halloween skirt and cake!
Thank you to catalinasez for the Halloween clock and Easter egg!
Thank you to sweetysez for the Christmas pillow and Valentine flowers!
Thank you to lucysez for the hen & chicks and champagne & flutes!
Thank you to beckysez for the baby seal!
These are alternate accounts for coo.kiesez and worth checking out!
Thank you to halliwell for the beautiful butterflies and roses!


Thank you to daisydill for the beautiful St. Patrick's Day snowglobe and Aquarius picture!

Thank you to shadow-dancer for the lovely flowers pot of gold, cider, and red Christmas bell!

Thank you to the-lost-mimzy for the cute hood!

Thank you to gaurdianoftheshdows for the lovely blue wig!

Thank you to practicalmagick for the Halloween clock, plant, flowers, and Epiphany hat!


Thank you to princessserenity for the cute bunny, flowers, and gold fish!

Thank you to foofie for the Christmas pillows, reindeer, pinecone centerpiece, lump of coal and cider!

Thank you to sailor-xanth for the April Fool's Day fish!

All are alternate accounts for faechild86 and worth checking out!

Thank you to faechild86 for the Halloween skirt, St. Patrick's Day bunny, books, Easter baskets, April Fool's Day starfish and fish, Easter bunny, and Easter egg!


Thank you to niabydane for the bunny!

Thank you to angelicadane#mce_temp_url# for the witch!

These are alernate accounts of sierradane and worth checking out!


Thank you to anyamalfoy for the Saggitarius picture!

Thank you to snortmort for the Halloween cat and flowers!

Thank you to cocobelle for the pencil!

Thank you to historygeek for the blue Christmas bell!

Thank you to fairykisses for the teddy bear!

Thank you to aluralegend for the St. Patrick's Day bunny!

Thank you to dragonmcbaine for the tiger inner tube, reindeer, and kitten Christmas stocking!

Thank you to rukia131 for the Medusa wig!

Thank you to orangemaid for the Christmas goodies!

Thank you to dyingneko for the cat slippers!

Thank you to micutalorri for the cake!



Thank you to tahlensong for the Halloween candy apples!

This is an alternate account of tahlenwing's and worth checking out!

Thank you to tahlenwing for the cat slippers!



Thank you to likwis for the Halloween skirt and pumpkin!


This is an alternate account of cornflower's and worth checking out!

Thank you to julieanne1976 for the Easter eggs and snow globe!


Thank you to grandmajoy for the snowman and flowers!

This is an alernate account of joyceeileen and worth checking out!

Thank you to Jenn9955#mce_temp_url# for the plant!

Also, thanks to promotions by Feerik, I was able to send these gifts to myself!



Music was added to the Fantastic Room!  "Baby Sleep" is the song's name.


June 23 ~ Cannes room.

 March 15, 2024 ~ Park room after The Secret Garden quest.

May 28, 2023 ~ Speakeasy after purchse.  This room was previously availble through Oh My Jackpot, and I was never able to obtain it.

December 25 ~ Cutieland after the Grinch quest.

September 18, 2022 ~ Stylists' Room after Stylist mini-adventure.

January 9, 2021 ~ Penthouse room after Modern Princess quest.

December 26 ~ Christmas room.

November 14 ~ Cake Shop room after quest.

August 15 ~ Vampire Dwelling room.

June 13 ~ Heaven room.

February 14: ~ TO DO: One Thousand and One Nights room after buying it in the Valentine's Day 2010 pack of quest items.  (Can't believe they allowed purchase of a room w/ OhMyDollars instead of requiring fee'z.)

January 18, 2020 ~ TO DO:  Winter Palace room after Royal Baby quest.

November 8, 2018 ~ TO DO: Western room after Calamity Dollz quest.  (Has it really been that long between quests?!)

December 23, 2017 ~ TO DO: Tundra and Moscow rooms after Russian Christmas quest.

 October 8, 2017 ~ TO DO: Forest room after Autumn 2010 Quest replay.

August 28, 2017 ~ TO DO: Tree and Foot of the Tree rooms after The Magical Forest quest.

August 14, 2017 ~ TO DO: The House of Stylists mini-room after The Stylists' Quest mini-room.

August 10, 2017 ~ TO DO: Night Club/Disco room after Party Organizer replay quest.

May 26, 2017 ~ TO DO: Royal Museum room and Jungle room extension after Night at the Museum quest.

December 29 ~ TO DO: China room after purchase.

December 9 ~ TO DO: New York room after Photo P***ion quest.

November 21 ~ TO DO: Scotland room after Trip to Scotland quest.

September 22 ~ TO DO: Magic Shop after Modern Witch quest.

July 19 ~ TO DO: Small Fort room after Pirate quest.

June 19 ~ TO DO: Symphonic Palace room after Music quest.

May 31 ~ TO DO: Nile River room after this year's Egypt quest.  STILL need to do the Egyptian Palace room ... from last year's Egypt quest!

May 17 ~ Magic Cupboards don't go on sale very often.  How do I know?  I've had the Steam Punk cupboard as a "Furture Condo Plan" at the bottom of this WIA since the beginning.  Due to a recent sale, I was finally able to get the items from it.  It's the 3rd cupboard I've purchased items for. 

April 11 ~ TO DO: Yorkshire House room after Sherlock Dollz quest.

March 20 ~ TO DO: Japanese Palace room & New Caledonia extension after purchase.

January 17, 2016 ~ TO DO: Japanese Plains room after Tokyo Quest.  Done!  (Mostly - 90%.)  Let the records show that I worked on a room right after completing the quest.

STILL TO DO: Game Room [Done!] (Cat Cafe, Harajuku Fashion Store) & Poolhouse (Continuation of Japanese Garden); Both utilizing the 2nd theme for each room.
Everything else on the Abode tab.

October 26 ~ TO DO: Citadel room after Halloween Quest.

August 11 ~ TO DO: Jungle room after We Have to Save the Animals! quest.

July 4 ~ TO DO: Mediterranean room after Atlantis quest. 

March 2 ~ First day of 30-day access to temporary stores following Department Store quest.

March 2, 2015 ~ TO DO: Retro Room after the Department Store quest.

November 27 ~ TO DO: Fantastic Room (new theme) after the MMO Quest.

  Started using new talent on November 28-29.

October 27 ~ TO DO: Black Forest (new theme) and Hell room (new room/blue theme) after the "Supernatural" quest.  Squee! to there even being a "Supernatual" quest!

August 11 ~ TO DO: Mexico room

June 5 ~TO DO: Egyptian Palace

May 10 ~ TO DO: Veterinary Clinic 

April 27 ~ Haunted Castle (Beauty and the Beast): Done! 

TO DO: Bedroom and Forest.

March 29, 2014 ~ TO DO: African room after Reservist quest.

December 15 ~ TO DO: North Pole room.

August 13, 2013 ~ TO DO: Shooting room (among others). 

Today, I finally found it.  Where is this mirror, you ask?  In the Halloween Store, under Decorations.




Remaining "unused" Zodiac outfits will remain in my Loft until I use them once.

Likewise, remaining "unused" Princess outfits will remain in my Garden until I use them once.

Who is Laura Bow?
She is the star of two PC mystery-adventure games that take place in the 1920's: The Colonel's Bequest (1989) and The Dagger of Amon Ra (1992).  They were made by a company called Sierra.

LauraBow1929 on My Diva Doll: 8/18/2008 - 11/30/2010


~*~*~ Future condo plans ~*~*~

Level up.

7 Deadly Sins wardrobe.

Steam Punk wardrobe.  5/17/2016 - Finally achieved!{#gai}

Every 2nd or 3rd day, I will save my doll in a different room, to rotate outfits.

 It will be a challenge, as I get attached to all of these nice clothes!

Age Type City Country
42 years Woman US
Favorite celebrity Favorite music Favorite movie Favorite food
Conan O'Brien, *NSYNC Pop Titanic, Kate & Leopold Pasta
Favorite colour My dreamjob Favorite show Favorite hobby
Purple/pink Computer games designer Supernatural Playing computer games

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