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30/04/2016 à 18:28:23
FrIdAy vOtEs ~ hOpE4eVeR2
08/04/2016 à 20:31:40
+2 wednesday votes from Darkgirrrl<3
07/04/2016 à 03:45:25
Wednesday votes from Hope4ever2
06/04/2016 à 22:33:28

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lilgirlzswagz has 0 goodness points.

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{#gai}Hi there im rachel , and im looking forward to new friends and also this new fashion game that im starting to really enjoy , anyway im looking for new friends so just send me a pm down below and ill get to it right away and im also looking for daily voters so WELCOME ALL ...  Little bit about me : My name is rachel , im a girly cl***y girl who is in love wth ariana grande im not one of those girls who show off there stuff , im a very unqiue cl***y girl who loves the store channel and ofco*** i love the color pink its just so amaze if u tell me about it lol well i can also tell you i adore puppies they r just so cute and non violent there good to keep you company , so u dont need boyfriends because boy friends just go with other girls and dogs will never leave you no matter what situation you are in ~ QUOTE : A perfect heart isnt always a good heart because theres no such thing BY : My friend BeckyGStyle {#star}

Age Type City Country
24 years Woman Santa Monica US
Favorite celebrity Favorite music Favorite movie Favorite food
Ariana Grande Arianna Grande Grease Everything
Favorite colour My dreamjob Favorite show Favorite hobby
Pink Singer Gossip Girl Baking

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