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Yes. I know, I kind of feel like I started in...
18/12/2024 à 04:25:14
That was Charlie's from the other day. I don't...
14/12/2024 à 04:11:16

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lucysez has 82 goodness points.

Empress of the Oceans

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Image result for Tuxedo Cat Clip Art Black and White

De ion Send some love to that special someone with one of our Love greeting cards. The blank interior lets your handwrite anything you want and make this card extra special. Details Illustrated card from our Love collection with a print on thick card stock. - Dimensions: 4.25x5.5




This contains an image of: On Hallow's Eve by KateRodrigues on DeviantArt


This contains an image of: Lucille Ball Drawing

Image result for fall leaves line clip art

Happy Halloween! | Hayden Williams | Flickr



This doll belongs to  C o o k i e sez and is used to help me return all the votes C o o kiesez gets. If you'd like to vote and get votes in return, go to my main account:

Thank you~!






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73 years Woman US
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© FEERIK GAMES 2015 - Contact us - CGU - My account - Rules - How to participate? - 08/02/2025 04:52:06