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luna186 has 8 goodness points.

Ace of Blackjack





* So basically our undersea cables have been damaged yet again! It's been 4 weeks now and I'm getting very impatient with them :( ~ They're presumably fixed on Jan 23rd but until then I won't be able to log on this site at all except around 2-3am local time which is impossible ~ I'm so sorry for any inconvenience during the time I'm unable to vote ~

* Make-up votes due to be given starting from Jan 23rd (hopefully) ~  

* Thank you so much to all who have given me presents ~ I really love all of them {#star} ~

* X-mas presents delivered! ~ It was so fun doing it and I didn't know there would be so many presents to choose from! Also please pardon my missing of votes on some days, it was quite busy preparing our little family Christmas too :D ~ Have a nice day {#aomd_bisous}

* I'll be dropping random votes on random days from now on so please check your 100 last votes {#bisou}~



  Thank you {#aomd_bisous} ~

* Aquarium and Hell room is under construction ^^ ~

*Page is still under construction ~ I'll try to finish it when I can {#doll_oeil}



Hi! I'm Luna, my birthday is on June 18th, hence the name Luna186 {#doll_oeil}

I love drawing, reading, listening to various kinds of music, especially Rock and Metal.



Age Type City Country
26 years Woman Dreamland Other
Favorite celebrity Favorite music Favorite movie Favorite food
Lindsey Stirling Rock/Metal/Dubstep Harry Potter Ice cream
Favorite colour My dreamjob Favorite show Favorite hobby
Turquoise/Violet Artist Sherlock Drawing/Reading

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