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+2 from Arlekinlain! :3
09/06/2024 à 18:27:08

Read all the com'z

luvduv has 0 goodness points.

Top model


Oh man, Silvara/naraness/nara is HARDCORE awesome, nobody could ever be a better, prettier, sweeter, more considerate friend than her.

See the bottom for info on my exclusive in-game club!

My other account is luvduv2. I made this account before I knew there weren't supposed to be 2 AND I have chosen to CONTINUE using it. You may ask why, it is because I do not use it to vote for myself and only use it to vote for my friends on special occasions or when I run out of votes. This account is where I act all girly and let out what's inside, luvduv2 is where I act my most tomboyish self in the way I want people to see me (desperately!)


 Living a double life on OMD... is almost as good as living it in real life. ;)





MY BOFF (Best Online Friends Forever) are SILVARA/NARANESS and SARAHGRRL!


Just so you know why I like them...

Stuff 'bout silvara:

Man I just love this girl! She does so much awesome stuff, if you're reading this "partner" you are my best friend for life online!

Previous comments from Ms. Awesome (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) Silvara has said before:

Really? Oh, I love having you as a friend Luv, and having you as my partner is the best decision I ever made on PV. +2

WOW I LOVE YOUR LOFT!!!!!! You really got busy with the new quest didn't you? LOVE IT!!!! +2 because I can't give +2,000.

Really? I think it would be you. You're a more people person than I am! I am more hide away and only talk to my friends than you are. *VOTES X2!* Because you're a great friend!

Votes! Cool you have two accounts? Neat! In the middle of an ocean, carved on a rock, three little words: Forget-me-not. I don't know! A lot of people say poetry when they vote. *Shrugs*

 I LOVE your new look! Especially your hair. You always seem to have the greatest hair. :D +2 

Hey y'all, wanna know why sarahgrrl rocks HARD CORE?

-She was my first friend on PV

-She just does.

-She has always been there for me

-She just does.



Ok. So one of the most important things you should know about me... I LOVE KITTENS

Yes. Kittens. Let's get this straight

I AM A CAT PERSON. That does not mean I am not a dog person. It means I like cats and that I think dogs are very cute but compared to kittens dogs are only ok to me.

Yes, there is a guy on my buddy list at the bottom. Got a problem with that? Oh and if you're a girl like me, don't send him little cute messages with hearts, or he'd probably find out where I live and sue me. (Lol)

Oh and I dress because I like what I see. Do not criticize my clothes, hair or lack or makeup on OMD. I am just trying to express me. If you don't like it, I never said you had to stay on my profile.



arlekinlain is my role model. Past Level *who even knows*

I also really am desperate for something like her in the PARADISE room

That whole "copy and paste this message to 10 dollz then press F4 and get 100$$$" thing is fake so please do not post it on my page, I find it kind of rude.

  IF you actually didn't even have the heart to read my profile before doing that I'll just send you the above message, and leave your comment on my profile so everybody can see just how silly it was when that huge thing is posted on my Who Am I? and you did it anyway. Please don't do it, even if it did work it would be a of CHEATING which is against the rules.



                                        are like apples
                                 on trees. The best ones
                              are at the top of the tree.
                           The boys don't want to reach
                          for the good ones because they
                       are afraid of falling and getting hurt.
                   Instead, they just get the rotten apples
                       from the ground that aren't as good,
                    but easy. So the apples at the top think
                    something is wrong with them, when in
                         reality, they're amazing. They just
                            have to wait for the right boy to
                                 come along, the one who's
                                            brave enough to

                                        climb all

                                        the way

                                        to the to

                                 top of the trees

 ♥ ♥ღ 
║╔╗║╔╗║║║║║╩╣ Put this on your page
╚╝╚╩╝╚╩╩╩╩╩═╝ if you are an anime fan!!








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25 years Woman Awesomenessville Other
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Taylor Swift All of it! (Or mine) Harry Potter 7 Spaghetti&Meatballs
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Cyan Rockstar Is there a Harry Potter TV? Singing

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