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Hi! This is an account to show off my original character!
Lypiphera, her name comes from my favorite book series, which starts with Kushiel's Dart. In the book, the word means Painbearer in the book version of Greek. She is a versatile character that can be in sci-fi or fantasy, with small tweaks.
I also have the dolls:
I play some mobile fashion games! Feel free to add me in them!
Loft Tab:
★Bathroom - Pinks
★ Bedroom
★ Building/Immeuble - Subtle French Tower Apartments
★ Garage
★ Garden
★ Kitchen
★ Loft - Main Room
★ Design House/_MAISON_DESIGN/maison_design - Lypiphera superhero HQ
★ /maison_stylistes - Not Yet Owned
★ Patio - Not Yet Owned
★ Street
★ City/ville - Not Yet Owned
★ Ciel/(Sky?Cloud?) - Not Yet Owned
★ Easter/paques
Villa Tab
★ Yorkshire House/Anglaise - Not Yet Owned
★ Beach
★ Bathoom 2/bain2
★ Bedroom 2/chambre2
★ Bedroom 3/chambre3
★ Gl@$$house/serre - Not Yet Owned
★ Living Room - not much at the moment as its blacked out still
★ Party Room/salledesfettes
★ Terrace - Fancy Flower Fette
★ Veranda - Not Yet Owned - will be red white and blue nautical themed...
★ Lagoon - Not Yet Owned
★ sbd_elite - Not Yet Owned
Town Tab
★ Aquarium - Aquatic Goddess room
★ Boutique - Not Yet Owned
★ Broadway - Not Yet Owned
★ Cake Shop - Not Yet Owned
★ Casino Backroom/arriersalle_casino - Not Yet Owned
★ Casino - Not Yet Owned
★ Concert Hall
★ Duplex 1
★ Duplex 2
★ Elite Villa - Not Yet Owned - Will be spa once acquired
★ High School/lycee - Super highschool
★ New Lywood - New York + Hollywood
★ New York - Not Yet Owned
★ /loft_elite - Not Yet Owned - Will Be Dr. Who once acquired
★ Penthouse - Not Yet Owned
★ Editorial/Redaction - Not Yet Owned
★ Sewing Workshop
★ Veterinary Clinic - - Vet clinic with an off books mini emergency clinic in the back!
★ Showroom - Not Yet Owned
★ Temporal Room/_temps - Not Yet Owned
★ Manhattan - Not Yet Owned
Fantasy Tab
★ Oh My Tree/arbre_omd
★ Foot of the tree/arbre_omd_horizon
★ Asgard
★ Black Forest - Dark/Supernatural
★ Citadel - Spider palace
★ Cloud - fantasy sky pirates
★ Crypt
★ Dirigible - Steampunk
★ Enchanted Forest - Lorien
★ Flowers - Thumbelina?
★ Haunted Castle - Ghosties! Who you gonna call?
★ Heaven
★ Hell
★ Magic School - Breakbills Magic College exterior!
★ Medieval - Not Yet Owned
★ Hogwarts/pouldar - Breakbills Magic College (trying to avoid Harry Potter due to JK Rowling's antitrans stance) Check out the Magicians tv series!
★ Rainbow Room
★ Magic Shop/boutique_magie
★ Viking
★ Wonderland - Not Yet Owned
★ Galaxy - Not Yet Owned
Trip Tab
★ African
★ Buddhist Temple - Not Yet Owned
★ China
★ Desert
★ Fort/fortin - Pirates!
★ Hawaii - Not Yet Owned
★ Japanese Palace - Not Yet Owned
★ Jet
★ Jungle - Apocalyptic Jungle, including a female Dr. Stone - willl be acquiring New Caldonia and moving the apocalyptic stuff there and making the jungle an Indiana Jones/Laura Croft type room
★ Mediterranean - Not Yet Owned
★ Mexico - Not Yet Owned
★ Mongolia/mongolie - Not Yet Owned
★ New Caledonia - Not Yet Owned - willl be acquiring New Caldonia and moving the apocalyptic stuff there and making the jungle an Indiana Jones/Laura Croft type room
★ Night Club - Not Yet Owned
★ Submarine Room - Not Yet Owned -
★ Train - Not Yet Owned
★ Yacht
★ Banks of the Nile/bord_du_nil - Not Yet Owned
★ _magicreal
Winter Tab
★ (Autumn Tree Top) - Not Yet Owned
★ (Autumn Tree Middle) - Not Yet Owned
★ (Autumn Tree bottom) - Not Yet Owned
★ (Autum Tree full) - Not Yet Owned
★ Cabin/Chalet
★ Christmas Cabin/chaletnoel - Not Yet Owned
★ Christmas House - Traditional Christmas
★ English Cottage/Cottage
★ Forest
★ Ice Palace
★ /jardin_d_hiver - Not Yet Owned
★ Japanese Plains - Will be acquiring the Japanese palace and moving some stuff there...
★ London/londres - Brittish/Dr. Who till I can acquire Elite Loft
★ Mountain - Not Yet Owned
★ North Pole - Not Yet Owned
★ Christmas Eve/nuitnoel - Not Yet Owned
★ Scotland/ecosse - Not Yet Owned
★ Tundra/Toundra - Frozen Apocalypse
★ Autumnal Park
★ piece_loft_noel
★ Glacial Mansion
Royal Tab
★ Sleeping Castle/chateau_dormant - Not Yet Owned
★ Egyptian Palace
★ Fairy Palace
★ Floating Palace/palaisflottant - Not Yet Owned
★ Manor - Not Yet Owned
★ Vampire Manor/maniore_vampire
★ Moscow/moscou - Not Yet Owned
★ Royal Museum/musee - Not Yet Owned
★ One Thousand and One Nights/Orient
★ Royal Palace/palais - Not Yet Owned
★ Symphonic Palace/palais_symphonique
★ Venetian Palace/palaisvenitien - Not Yet Owned
★ Panther Cave/Panthercave - Not Yet Owned
★ /versailles - Not Yet Owned
★ Wedding
★ Winter Palace
★ Darker Dollz - Lypiphera with her dark side, Dendra
★ Olympus
Cinema Tab
★ Cannes
★ Fantastic World
★ Hotel
★ Interstellar Space
★ Montage
★ Planet Feerikant/planete_feerikant
★ Shooting/plateautournage - Superhero HQ
★ Retro Room
★ Secret Dollz
★ Terra Dollis
★ Theatre
★ Western
★ Ocean - Land-water creatures
Party Tab
★ Best Friend Room
★ Sarah's Home/chezsarah
★ Christmas Room
★ Circus of Dreams/clairiere_nuit - Spoopy/Anita Blake
★ Flatmate Room
★ Funfair
★ Halloween - Spoopy
★ Luxury Restaurant
★ Paris - French infusion!
★ Park
★ Romantic Suite
★ Star Rental
★ Star Villa - Black and white
★ Valentine/valentin
★ OhMyWorld/village_omd - Night and day
Abode Tab
★ Boudoir
★ Laundry Room/buanderie
★ Guest Room/chambre_invite
★ Small Bedroom/chambrette
★ Garret/combles
★ Dressing Room
★ Game Room
★ Library -
★ Master Bedroom
★ Nursery
★ Poolhouse
★ Ranch
★ Dance Studio/salle_de_danse
★ Gym Room/salle_de_sport
★ Photo studio/studio_photo
★ Workshop
Disney Princesses:
"Do not trust people like me.
I will take you to museums, and parks, and monuments,
and kiss you in every beautiful place,
so that you can never go back to them
without tasting me like blood in your mouth.
I will destroy you in the most beautiful way possible.
And when I leave
you will finally understand,
why storms are named after people." - Author unknown.
"We call ships 'she.'
We call our war machines 'women.'
We compare women to black widows and vipers.
And you're going to tell me it's not 'lady-like'
to scream,
to take up space,
to fight
and demand respect
and do whatever the hell I want.
You've looked at nuclear bombs
and been so in awe
that you could only name them after women.
Don't try to down-play my power." - Author unknown.
Favorite heroes:
Bucky/Winter Soldier
(Bless the artist 0_ves_0 for their artwork)
(Bless this artist too)
Lady Sif
Valkyrie (Comic book version)
Age | Type | City | Country |
41 years | Woman | Dallas | US |
Favorite celebrity | Favorite music | Favorite movie | Favorite food |
Sebastian Stan, Henry Cavill | Fruitcake-superbeing, Christian Kane | Power of One, Ladyhawk | Pizza or sweets! |
Favorite colour | My dreamjob | Favorite show | Favorite hobby |
Iridescent, or purple | Acting | Firefly, Leverage, Supernatural, Magicians | Live action role play, games |