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11/08/2015 à 19:14:39

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†They Say That Love Is Forever
Merow, you guys clicked his name to figure out who he is right? Uh duh ofcourse you did c: Welcome to his little wonderland sweethearts. His name? Pretty sure you should know but, if not, it's Kyler. Want to make up a nick name? Go right away, but make nice ones before I tear your insides out ;-; His age? It's unknown, what matters is that he's still alive and living <3 If you want to figure out his age ask him, he won't b'ite you guys. I bet your wondering about his relationship. He's gladly taken by his breath taking boyfriend Kellin, if TRY to get inbetween them? I swear I will be your worst nightmare. It won't be pretty hunnies. He is a father to a one year old little boy named Jaxx. He's sooo adorable<3 Yes, he's a father going to judge? If so, if you think it'll get to him... HAH HAH HAH you're so funny. Anyways about his personality.. Oh God, it's amazing. He's sweet, caring, loving, sweet, trustworthy, funny, fun, ect ect. Which is all true. He's the whole package. But, he also has that evil side which is scary.. so don't piiss him off before things get down and dirty. He has his favorite bands, but, sadly I don't know them, if you want, you can ask him. He only recently stayed on this site for his close friends.. whom are, Kellin, Danny, Brandon and I. His best friend on here how ever is Kellin, how cute<3 He has had his ups and downs but, here he is strong<3 Since I practically killed your eyes by this amazing paragraph (haha I'm so funny) I Love You c': If you hav any questions for him.. click that envelope down there, he'll most likely well reply. c': I LOVE YOU KYLER!!!! <3 ~ Chloe (sleepingxwithxstar)
♥My love, My inspiration, My boyfriend.♥
That gorgeous man up there is MY Kellin. MINE. Now, for the bragging. He's stuck by my side through everything I've been through. He was here for me when no one else was around and always had the right words to say. I waited 8,long,months for him to be mine and now? He's finally mine and I couldn't be any happier. I love him with all my heart and he loves me for me, which is all I could ever ask for. This sounds lame but..he IS the reason I'm alive. He IS the air I breathe. He is the only other person I love as much as I love my son and that's a lot of love. I don't know where I would be without him. Kellin, I finally believe in love because of you, I finally see good in this world. I love you Sweetheart. July,12 to eternity my love.♥
Status;I wanna go to the About That Life tour ;-;
Status Two;We have such weird conversations. xD
Status Three; I'm so in love with you.<3
The Hackers c':
Boy oh boy, I'm your first hack again, woot what now suckahs? c': Well where to begin? KYLER! I love you. You're one crazy sucker<3 But, that's how we became best friends c': Actually, your personality is what made us best friends. You have that personality no one else has. Your kindness, sweetness, loveableness, crazyness, ect ect. You're the whole package Kyler, I'm glad Kellin saw that c':  I'm glad that we're best friends, I'm glad that you're my brother. Why? Because I can tell you anything  with out getting laughed at. You're gonna soon become something very special January 1st by the way lovely c': Well, my hacks suck a'ss like always :'c I'm sowweh bby. BUT, I shall do this once again... but... later on c; Muahahahahahahahahah! c:< Well, I love you boo. Never change for anyone, not even me. BYE BYE HUNNY BOO BOO CHILD c; 
~ You know who c; (sleepingxiwthxstar)
†Your Forever Is All That I Need


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