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rock-star-neko has 0 goodness points.

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 My Main Account

^ This is my Main Account. Wanna talk to me? Comment/PM there. ^

Some Really Quick "About Me"s

     I am, first and foremost, an artist that prefers the style of Japanese comic books. Don't like manga/anime 'cause they're overrated and overused? Shut up. That's like someone saying they hate American comic book style drawings. Just 'cause everyone turns everything anime-ish and you're sick of it doesn't mean you have to rant on the whole art style. That's like ranting about "jocks" or "nerds" in general without knowng who they are.

      I frequent the OMD boards as "xemoxrockerx", and I'm fairly nice to everyone unless you're a judgemental moron that can't accept "emo" people. It's useless to talk with people like those, and I really don't want to waste my intelligence creating retorts. So if you don't like the fact that I'm "emo", get a life but leave me out of it.

     Another thing, just 'cause most people with the word "emo" in their names have the messy "emo hair" doesn't mean EVERYONE does. It's another stupid stereotype. I mean, I love the hairstyle and all, but I had to make that clearer.


-= Top Three's =-

Bands/Musical Artists

-All Time Low            

-Fall Out Boy             

-Cobra Starship         



-Tokyo Ghoul              

-Hibi Chouchou           


Age Type City Country
27 years Woman Other
Favorite celebrity Favorite music Favorite movie Favorite food
All Time Low // Fall Out Boy L:Change The World, Death Note 1 & 2 Japanese
Favorite colour My dreamjob Favorite show Favorite hobby
Black, Red, Blue, White Rockstar/Programmer Drawing, Listening To Music, MDD/OMD

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