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rosadane has 39 goodness points.





My father's maternal Grandmother's name was Rosa Elizabeth Van Horn, so I thought since Jenzg11 wanted me to make a "Grandma" doll, I'd use a letter that I hadn't used yet... and a color... I chose my Great-Grandmother's name for the letter "R" and the color Gray.  She was born in 1878 and died in 1948.  She was married twice.  Her first husband died in November of 1897 and she gave birth to his son in April of 1898.  She remained single until 1902 when she married again.  With Lighue Monroe Bullington, she had three daughters and two sons; one of which was my paternal grandmother: Mamie Lola... In 1912, Rosa's eldest son Andrew was invited to Oregon at the age of 14 to spend about a year with his father's family.  He rode the train out there, sending a letter back to his mother & step father in Jan of 1912.  He was to return after about a year but he never did.  He stayed, helped establish a lot of places in the area, married and had three children. He died in 1982.

Rosa Elizabeth Van Horn Shull & her first son Andrew Shull who was born in 1898 so this picture would probably be from around 1899

Rosa with her second husband Monroe and their children

Back row Lois, Fontella, Mamie;

front row Roy, Monroe, Rosa holding Kenneth

By this time, Rosa's first son Andrew would have been around 22 years old and still living in Oregon, having never returned from his "visit."  One more child would be born in 1919, named Noveta.

 It's hard to tell since the photo is faded, but the lady with the dark hair on the left is my paternal grandmother, Mamie, holding my dad who was born in April of 1931. The lady sitting would be Sarah Caldonia Call Bullington, Rosa's mother-in-law who died in 1932.  The one on the right would be Rosa. No idea who the little boy on the car is. This picture looks to be taken in the summer since the older boy has no shoes on and my grandma has a sleeveless dress on. 

This photo is of Rosa and her second husband Monroe and their grown children with their spouses plus their two grandchildren at that time.  This was taken in about 1938.  The little boy is my dad who was born in 1931. Rosa, of course, is the elderly lady in the front and the older gentleman is Monroe.  My dad's parents are in the back, on the right.

Back: Bob & Lois, Roy, Kenneth, Mamie & Lewis

Front: Fonnie, Monroe, Rosalie, Rosa, Noveta with Bobbie Wayne in front of Rosalie

Rosa & her four girls

Fonnie, Mamie, Noveta & Lois with Rosa in front

taken bet 1934-38:

The "Grandma" girls:




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