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This week
18/04/2024 à 11:25:24
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18/04/2024 à 03:38:47

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rosasazules has 0 goodness points.

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Warning!: Andybel's helper to deliver votes! =)

This pretty little lady is one of my new ***istants who helps me return votes! Her name, Rosas Azules, is in Spanish and the English translation would be "Blue Roses". It's thought that the blue rose gives immortality and eternal youth to the person who owns it. For centuries, the blue rose was created by paiting white roses with blue paint.

Votes left here will be greatly appreciated but not returned UNLESS I have votes left before voting back since her priority is to return votes to my friends and daily voters! Hope you understand! ^^

Thanks a lot for your visit!

My main account is:



Age Type City Country
35 years Woman Cordoba Argentina
Favorite celebrity Favorite music Favorite movie Favorite food
A lot! A lot! mmm... dunno a lot!
Favorite colour My dreamjob Favorite show Favorite hobby
blue (all types) black and white what I am: a customs broker and a future translator pretty little liars paiting, running, horse riding and reading

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