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sailor-asuka has 2 goodness points.

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Red StarsSailor Asuka comes from Andromeda's Galaxy, thats is approximately 2.6 million light years from the Earth. She as a Senshi, that decided to come to our galaxy in order to protect our planet: the Earth. As she can control the fire element, she decided to have Sailor Mars as her teacher, in order to keep peace in our planet and in the rest of the glaxys that are near by.


Red Soku City Fan With PatternAnnounces:

Red StarJuly ***igment is up, dress up as your zodiac sign, but from your teacher! Must dress up as Aries!

Red StarJune is vacation month this time ^^ So happy i won last month ***igment !

Red StarMay ***igment is up, dress up for a Kimono party! Sailor Asuza is done with her outfit! ^^

Red StarApril ***igmant is up, dress up as a bunny for Easter! Sailor Asuka is done with her outfit! ^^

Red StarMarch ***igment is up, dress up for a picnic party! Sailor Asuka is done with her outfit! ^^

Red StarFebrary ***igment is up, dress up for work! Sailor Asuka's work in Earth is as a Top Model! Outfit ready! ^^

Red StarDrees up as the Black Swam! Outfit ready! ^^




red heart jarAwards from Sailor Senshi's Academy:

Red StarWon a gift from finding the little bunny

Red StarWon a gift from May's ***igment: Kimono Party!




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~*~*~This account is owned by Asuchan ~*~*~*


~*~*~And was made to join Pserenity's Academy~*~*~


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36 years Woman
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