Note: I am in the process of redoing all of my rooms, so please excuse the mess/emptiness.
Walk the path you choose, not the one chosen for you.
As you must be loved in order to love: Love first yourself.
As you cannot give what you do not possess: Take care first of your own needs
As you can do nothing if you are afraid: Learn first to face your fear.
When you seek beauty, remember that nothing can make you beautiful if you do not believe you can be.
When you seek power, remember that the only power worth having is that over yourself.
When you seek happiness, remember that happiness is provisional. Seek instead joy, which comes from within.
Girls like you can fly.
Age | Type | City | Country |
52 years | Woman | UK | |
Favorite celebrity | Favorite music | Favorite movie | Favorite food |
Summer Glau | Melissa Etheridge | District 9 | Indian |
Favorite colour | My dreamjob | Favorite show | Favorite hobby |
Green | Writer | Doctor Who | Horse riding |