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silpion has 0 goodness points.


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Loft - 4th Age of Sun and Moon, modern day

Hell - Angband (Hell of Iron) Morgoth's great dungeon fortress

Rethro Room - Mandos (Houses of the Dead, Halls of Vaiting) (in progres)

Black Forest - ?

Fairy Palace - ?

Winter Palace - Taniquetil (with Varda) and lake of Lorellin (with Este)

Christmas Cabin - Lothlorien/Lorien 

 Enchanted Forest - Cirdan, Thranduil and Elrond visiting Lothlorien

Theatre room - Yavanna's forest and Aule's forge

Asgard - Rivendell( In progres)

Magic school - Bree (In progres)

Submarine room - Ulmo's domain (in progres)

Scotland - The Lonely Mountain


's alt

According to Tolkien Silpion was one of the names of the Tree of silver light, older one of the two trees of light from Valinor. One of it's flowers survived destruction of trees and became The Moon(and later, jewel which contained light of two trees of light became brightest star in the sky). 
So, this doll will follow blue-silver-black pattern 
perhaps with some gold accents. I can't wait to see it finished.. :D


****Votes left on my alts will be treated as if they were left on Vinya's. They might  be returned with one of my other alts, and it might take me few days to do so cause it usually takes me a while to notice.


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