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16/07/2017 à 00:30:58

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sweetxspice has 0 goodness points.

Forest Ranger

 Hi I`am sweetXspice. 

I like loltia, goth, punk, emo, con, and victorian styles. Iam also a jeans kind of girl. I like animals, anime/ mag, art, reading, and music. 


 If you vote and want votes back  leave a comment.

Iam generally a nice person. But I do have a temper with attitude and I can be cruel.

 A pome for thoes who ***s me off.

Roses are red,

Violets are purple, and so will you.



Yea I said Violets are purple! Becouse if they were blue thay would not look purple or be named Violet! Lame, but true.

To thoes who dis emo and heavy metal and say it will make some one commit suicide: Researchers have found that country music will make people want to comment sucied more than others and most suicidal people eather start listening to it more or start. Now think about that befor you start judging something you dont understand. And Iam not dissing country music. I like it with most music.

 Iam a Southern country girl who likes to rock-n-roll and get down to country.  

 P.S. I know I cant spell good, it is my disablity.

~I think I sound a little childish on in this shine thingy~


 By for now.


Age Type City Country
35 years Woman Alabama US
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