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Votes from holly90
11/10/2016 à 10:28:45
Votes from Hope4ever2
09/10/2016 à 23:34:24
Votes from holly90
09/10/2016 à 03:46:02

Read all the com'z

tr-acie has 0 goodness points.

Top model


Sorry for mistakes I came from the french server and i'm new...

On the french server, we allowed a lot of thing that you don't on the english server, and the french server works much more I think... Well, that is not my point. My point is that we should have more right, because the game are going boring, for example, i want to make some exchange with other dollz, I can't because the only exchange that we allowed to do is 1 votes per day, we can say do you want to exchange more vote? And why? Because you want people to vote for you doll only if they really love it, but there is not a lot of people that do this, and even if people were doing it, if we can exchange 1 vote per day, we don't do it because we liked her doll, we do it because we want to have 1 vote back, so ? I don't want to be banned or to be insult because I don't like the law of the english server, it just that we will have more things to do if there is less rules... that don't really have sense... 

 ''They told me, “Don’t ask yourself too many questions; You know, little one, it’s life that answers you.'' 

What good is, wanting to know everything?
Look up and see what you can see.
They told me we had to listen to our fathers
 But mine didn’t say anything when he cleared off.
 Mother told me, “You are too little to understand
And I grew up with a place to take.
Who has the right? Who has the right?
 Who has the right to do this
 To a child who truly believes
 What the grownups say?We spend our life saying thank you—
Thank you to whom? For what?
For dictating the rain and good weather
For the children that they lie to.

I want to exchange votes with other dollz, if you want to, let me know it in comment, I can exchance 1+2, 2+2, 3+2, 4+2 or 5+2 each day, ***+2 = 1 doll vote and 1 loft vote so, 5+2 = 5 doll votes and 5 loft votes) thank you :)


-1(+2) each day:

-Holly90 wednesday






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