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whiteroseprincess has 5 goodness points.

Movie Star


{#applau}Favorite Celebrity


{#lol}Favorite Music: C-l-a-s-s-i-c-a-l, folk songs, Irish dancing music, Pop, J-POP, Jazz, Rock, Hard Rock




{#love}Favorite Movies: The secret garden, Castle in the Sky, Beauty and the Beast, Sleeping Beauty, Avartar, Aladdin, The Little Princess, Howl's Moving Castle, My Neighor Totoro, Kiki's Delivery Service, Ponyo, 27 Dresses, Moulin Rouge, GW Endless Waltz, Valley of the Wind


{#mang}Favorite Food: Medium steak, potatoes, shephard's pie, minestrone soup, lamb, bangers and mash

{#applau}Favorite Color: Emerald green, greens, reds, dark pinks, gold


{#intr}My dream job: Veterinarian

{#bisou}Favorite Shows: Doctor Who, Penny Dreadful, BBC Sherlock,Endveavor, Demon Slayer, Sailor Moon, Thundercats, Game of Thrones, Dragon Ball,Cowboy Beebop, Trigun, Fairy Tail, Fruit Basket, Dr. Stone, Cardcaptors,

Gundam Wing, Inspector Morse

{#good}Favorite Hobby: talking walks in the forest/garden, gardening, reading murder mysteries, playing outside, traveling, belly dancing






2-8 my attempt to be s-e-x-y cupid. gave my godsister and her husband spiked chocolates. He was not amused. Of course my lover is somewhat amused with my antics. Q needs to chill

me and my love on valentine's day


My love and I

Top of the morning to you, hi hi everyone. I am Vanessa Libra, fam and friends call me 'Tessa". Im 26 and was born in Scotland but I have an Irish temper (so says my cousins). My mother and father both died before I knew them and I was raised by my godmother and godfather. It's weird that my godfather and godmother are not husband and wife. My godfather was friends with both my mother and father and my godmother only knew my mother. My godmother got married in the year of the Dragon, 2000 something. It's been an adjustment since all my life, she's been single. I dont know what to call her husband exactly. Through my mother, I have three cousins who live in Spain who also have explosive tempers: Isabel, c***andra , and Artorius(roman for Arthur -and older than me). I have four god




 sisters (we all share the same godmother): 

HotaruHotaru Toma

Orianna Deoncrare WinnerOrianna Deoncrare Winner

Serena KnightSerena Knight

Sienna KnightSienna Knight

 boondock saints prayer



3-20 It's my BIRTHDAY TODAY!! I can't wait for my Hindu inspired bday party with friends and family tonight. Everyone will be there. I have a feeling we'll all be up partying late. And today is also the first day of Spring. That means my godfather will be at the party too. I can't wait.And I hope to get some late kisses bc I'm Irish ;)


 Favorite Music: Irish drinking songs, Celtic, Celtic Women, Bowfire, hip hop, Latin, rock and roll, techno,Swing and Electro Swing...not really picky anything i can dance too. 

Hobbies: gardening, dancing-belly dancing, sasa dancing-ballroom dancing, long walks, gardening, sining, fenching, learning new languages, traveling, playing card games, shopping, trying on clothes, throwing parties and attending them, cosplaying.





Age Type City Country
36 years Woman Oregon US
Favorite celebrity Favorite music Favorite movie Favorite food
All Secret Garden steak and potatoes
Favorite colour My dreamjob Favorite show Favorite hobby
EMERALD GREEN veterinarian anime gardening

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