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This week
25/09/2017 à 21:06:59

Read all the com'z

zenchan has 3 goodness points.


July 12: Hey guys, so sorry for being gone so long. Life has been super busy this past year and the summer has proven to be no exception. Thank you to those who have kept voting even in my absense. Unfortunately, I think I will have to announce an actual hiatus... there are things that I really want to focus on and it really cuts out my time on here. I am thankful for all the wonderful and sweet people I have met on here; thank you for being amazing, all of you.

All the best to you, my friends,



June 18: Looks like I will be moving again!! Ridiculous! But this time the place will be all mine without any roommates and I shouldn't be moving for at least a year *crosses fingers*. So here is to packing and getting money in order... I have to furnish the apartment because all the furniture I own is: 2 dressers, 1 hope chest, 1 small bookshelf. So here is to garage saling for a bed!

May: Just moved *again* and now I am drywalling... so... tired. So worth it <3 ~Zen


March 21, 2013: Today I turn 22, College is finished in less than a month, and I must shed my part-time job for a full-time one. I must find a new place to live and I must be able to afford it. For the fourth time that I can recall, my life is starting over. #blankpages






Totally into Down With Webster right now, and so proud of Lindsey Stirling for getting picked up by a Lady Gaga's manager!! I would link you songs, but the rules won't let me~




I'm Canadian and very family-orientated. I just graduated from a 2-year college program, work at that college, and I write when my sister kicks my butt into gear in my spare time. I would just like to say upfront that I do not live in an igloo, drink milk from a bag, have a pet polar bear, etc but I DO say 'eh' a lot, wear a togue in the winter, and +15 C is warm to me (it gets up to 45 C here in the summer which is 114 F I think). Cold means -20 C or more (-4 F). 




-Home Renos

-Anime (SE, FMA, ATLA)

-Gaming (Pokemon, Gears of War, Left4Dead, etc)





Zentaco, Zentara, PocaPoca, lunaveil and Sista51 <3

 I look forward to hearing from you guys, cheers, Zen~



My other Accounts on here:





Thanks to eyecandy9 , zalaninrinmaytilingand zarinen for the gifts! You guys are awesome!~ 



To My Random Visitors:

 Thank you for stopping by! I would love to exchange votes or gossip with you, I only ask one thing: Please do not demand votes, thanks!~


Age Type City Country
34 years Woman Other
Favorite celebrity Favorite music Favorite movie Favorite food
Jet Li dance romeo must die mufffinsssss
Favorite colour My dreamjob Favorite show Favorite hobby
green/yellow author Big Bang Theory writing :3

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