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Thanks a lot Sierradane for the answers for the bonus quizzes and the costs!
Quest Name: Fun Fair
Store Used: Holiday Shop
Two Endings? No
Job? No.
Room? Yes. Fun Fair
Talent? No.
Total Cost: $ 249
Step 1: The fun fair comes
This morning I was reading the newspaper and learned something that put me in joy. A funfair will stay in DollCity for a few weeks!!! I love the fairgrounds since I was little. Waisting no time at all, I call my friends to organize a fun girls day this Saturday.
You need:
- One of the following for $7
Cost so far: $7
Bonus 1: Which one doesn't fit in the list?
Answer: La Mer de Sable
Step 2: Scouting
Saturday morning, I'm the first on the scene. Fortunately I do not have to wait long until my friends arrive. This morning we will start by identifying the attractions. We all have different tastes. I love the thrill attractions, Noemie prefers short calming walks, Juliette, she prefers the shooting stands and finally Beatrice would like to see a show. "Oh YOUR DOLL'S NAME, this is great! There is a circus this year, and there is a show at three o'clock, what does it tell us?" Despite my reluctance, I accept. The animal lover that I am is not a big fan of all those people who carry around circus tigers and elephants across the country in cages.
You need:
- One of the following for $5
- One of the following for $9
Cost so far: $21
Bonus 2: The Fête à NeuNeu has been created:
Answer: In 1815
Step 3: Mrs Irma
But first, Noémie literally drags me to the "Great Irma." Talk about a name for a psychic. I do not belive in all this stuff but honestly ... Irma ... if that's not a cliché! While the others are waiting for us outside, I join Noémie in getting the cards laid out by the psycho Lady ... sorry, the seer. The decoration of the tent is very simple, no frills, just a table, behind which Madame Irma stands, reading her crystal ball and two small chairs for us to sit on. "Oh, my darlings, I was waiting for you ... sit down, sit on!" We sit on the chairs. "You see, she knew we were coming," whispers Noémie "Yes cause we talked for five minutes in front of her tent very loud" "Come here, my darlings, you doubt the power of Madame Irma, but I'll read your future and you will see, you will believe." Madame Irma says with a mischievous smile, drawing Tarot cards out from under her table. We come out of the tent a few minutes later, Noemie is very excited "Well YOUR DOLL'S NAME, you heard her, I will meet a boy." Yes finally, Nono, obviously you're going to meet a boy, next year you're going to college, and your university is not reserved for girls only, huh. In addition you have like what, another 80 years before you? Inevitably, sooner or later you'll meet a boy. Yes, but she said "sooooooon" and especially she spoke of love! She is a true visionary I tell you, I'm sure !!! I'm not sure but if it makes her happy! ...
You need:
- One of the following for $10
- One of the following for $10
Cost so far: $41
Bonus 3: What is clairvoyance?
Answer: A psychic gift to see the future
Step 4: The food
After our mystical adventures and a trip to the House of Laughter, it is time to do something for ourselfs. In fact I was so excited this morning, that I skipped breakfast. And now I was HUNGRY !!! Popcorn and toffee apples are very good, but I want something more substantial. We finally stop at the temple of the sausage; a reproduction of a Bavarian tavern. It's very nice, I do not expect to find a small house in the middle of the big cabins. Lunch menu: sausage, chips and beer, a light meal in short. I'm not a fan of beer but I let myself be tempted, carried away by the fun and good humor.
You need:
- One of the following for $10
- One of the following for $13
- One of the following for $6
- One of the following for $5
Cost so far: $75
Bonus 4: The Oktoberfest was created in 1810 and is traditionally held in:
Answer: Munich
Step 5: Dollzsplash
After lunch, it's time for a small digestive walk. And what's better, than the DollzSplash ??? There is everything you need - small boat rides and thrills to seduce the whole family, and in this case, my group of girlfriends! Joannie is the only one not to be enthusiastic "But you understand girls, if I had known that we would go there, I would not have put the white shirt on! I'll be wet and it will become quite transparent, hello shame." We finally get into a boat, all four of us, placing Joannie right in the middle so that it is not too wet. Noémie however stands in front, she hopes that she can find her "handsome stranger" with a transparent shirt, I'm not so sure of about this, but good..I let her do what she wants to do... DollzSplash is supposed to be inspired by the island of Hawaii, nature - fine, erupting volcanoes - not so much, but why not ... but what is the giant octopus doing here, and I think over there is a whale as well! However it does not prevents the ride to be fun, there are small animations in every corner, and small sound effects. It's rare in a carnival and it is almost like in Dollneyland! After the great drive, as expected, all four of us get out soaked from head to toe, and especially laughing very much. It was really nice. Who's starting to lineup for a second round?
You need:
- One of the following for $6
- One of the following for $15
- One of the following for $14
Cost so far: $110
Bonus 5: Which of these french attractions is not of the "Big Splash" type?
Answer: Slinky River
Step 6: Little Detour
Soon it is time for the circus show. We hurry so we will be able to get good seats. No way of being in the thirtieth row. "So according to the plane you have to go left! Joannie says -No, not at all, 'said Beatrice, you took the map upside down, we are there. So we need to turn to the right! -No? It's all right, you see there is the tent? YOUR DOLL'S NAME tell them I'm right! " I finally decide and we all turn right. But of course, with my bad sense of orientation, it was the wrong direction and we found ourselves in a strange corner of the carnival. In a very quiet meadow, three trailers are standing in a circle around a campfire. We are greeted by a lovely lady. She explains that the trailers are rooms for Bed and Breakfast service. The caravans are very ´in´ right now so she decided to do a "traditional fairground experience" and offers nights in caravans for the tourists. It's a great idea !!! We explain that we are lost and the nice lady shows us the path we need to take to get to the circus tent.
You need:
- One of the following for $10
- One of the following for $10
- One of the following for $10
- One of the following for $10
Total so far: $150
Bonus 6: What is small and brown?
Answer: Chestnut
Step 7: Let the show begin!
Due to our little side trip we arrive at the last minute in the tent. Fortunately we find places, not too far away from the slopes, although a little on the side. Before the lights go out I noticed something odd: "Hey, where is Noémie ???" I do not have time to say more about it , cause I have to be silent now. The show begins, clowns, acrobats, and finally beasts trainers. I groan. "No, don´t you think this is cruel? These poor abused animals, wandering around in cages! 'Oh no, said Beatrice - handing me a flyer of the show, look. This is a new technology developed by Dollnet inc. These are holographic animals. This is brand new and super well done, don´t you think? Ah yeah? it's really amazing what you can do with technology, I think to myself. Finally, I'll be loving the circus! " After the show, the lights come back and we are heading for the exit quietly.
You need:
- One of the following for $15
- One of the following for $22
- One of the following for $12
Total so far: $199
Step 7: Which one doesn't fit in the list?
Answer: Dreyer
Step 8: Thousands of smiles
Beatrice and Joannie tell me, that Noémie has remained at the caravans, she met a nice brown haired man, with whom she exchanged a few winks. We go and find her. "This is crazy love, girls, he gave me his phone number! I think he is the right one !!!" Noémie tells us when we find her. It makes us laugh, Noémie is such a great romantic. We return to some attractions before the festival is closing. All around us people are laughing and smiling. This is what is good at a funfair, not one sad face and I love it!
You need:
- One of the following for $20
- One of the following for $30
Total Cost of this quest: $249