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#1 2012-07-26 20:59:31

Registered: 2011-05-19
Posts: 120


Wait just one minute here..what?.. a moderator stating she will start deleting posts when they are complaining in nature if the " whining"continues?.. that cant be right? matter how annoying you find them,if they are not breaking any rules they should have a right to voice their thoughts on the board...measures like that lean way to much towards personal opinion instead of enforcing the general rules. i am sure what was meant are the famous one line empty expressions of personal displeasure but i think there is a principle at stake here we should not abandon, if you have got something to say, positive or negative, if you stay within the general rules of conduct you should be allowed to say it ( regardless of your ability to voice it more constructively ), i dont see anyone threatening to take down the equaly vapid positive counterparts wich are just as pointless to the community if you go by that logic...I dont like to disagree with moderator methods because i appreciate the time and effort they put in for all our benefits BUT in this case even though i understand where its comming from i cant find my peace with it.

#2 2012-07-26 21:36:41

From: Watching a Hockey Game
Registered: 2010-12-05
Posts: 565

Re: Censorship?

I think I know what you're referring to and I believe the 'threat' to delete threads was because the mod did not want the thread to become a complaint one. 

I agree if nothing constructive will be made to a thread (like if we all keep putting: I don't like this idea. It costs too much) it should be deleted.

I don't need to read 5 to 20 people saying the same thing over and over. So if we have a complaint, I think we need to think of possible solutions to make a change.

Just an idea...


#3 2012-07-27 04:35:24

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3285

Re: Censorship?

I agree with Lilysummers.    It's called "constructive criticism."   I just feel stunned or like my hand has been slapped.  I feel like I need to never say what I really feel.

If we aren't allowed to voice what we don't like about this game, then how will Feerik ever know what needs to be changed?  Are the mods the only ones allowed to voice anything about something that needs to be changed? 

I understand the fact that those "one liners" such as "I don't like that" or "Ewww... that's gross..." really doesn't give any idea to Feerik what they should change about something.
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#4 2012-07-27 04:56:33

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: Censorship?

I agree. This site was always based on people's opinions. If a bunch of people said something bad about an idea and all were deleted except one, then how would anyone know what anyone else is thinking. It may have been a bad idea altogether anyway.

Feerik has always listened into our ideas. Without them the man dollz store would never have opened. and OMD would've been a boring site to play on. Voices need to be heard. Even if they are complaints for no reason.
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#5 2012-07-27 07:30:42

Registered: 2010-12-01
Posts: 128

Re: Censorship?

I don't know when they said that they will be deleting complaining posts quoi  but i think players have the right to post their opinions about the releases of the game and what they feel and think about the game.It can't always be positive comments, so it's unfair to delete negative opinions, that's why if anyone wants to express something to improve about the game, it has to be written with respect and as a constructive criticism.

#6 2012-07-27 09:48:10

From: Under a blanket somewhere
Registered: 2009-07-18
Posts: 2124

Re: Censorship?

The whole complaints must be constructive has been around since the boards went up. This is not new, although it's never been official.

You are allowed to complain. I will defend your right to do so. However if the complaints turn into whining/non constructive criticism that's an entirely different matter. When you start doing that all you do is bring the community down/destroy it.

'It's not fair I can't buy feez' is not helpful. It does nothing to help the community or change it in a positive way. Same with 'This sucks'. Not helpful.

'I hate like this pack, it should have had a bathroom set in it. I'm not going to buy it' IS more helpful. You've stated a reason you don't like the packs.
Also on the same theme, 'It sucks that my car just broke down and I can't buy this. I really wanted it.' again IS more helpful. You've explained why you're disappointed rather than 'whining about not having feez.

So you have a choice.
Be negative and destroy this community.
Or put a little thought behind it and don't ruin everyone else's day.

Now onto the subject of censorship. This is NOT a public forum. This is a board owned and run by Feerik. Feerik may chose to censor what ever it wants NOT to be posted on the boards. For example, MDD is not a topic that Feerik wants discussed because it did nothing wrong. The fault for this was entirely on the part of Acclaim and having people still talk about it would do nothing for the current game. Same with religion and items of a PG13 nature. They're not allowed. You are ALREADY censored.


#7 2012-07-27 17:05:41

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: Censorship?

Hmm..Well said Anya. But in the last few sentences does not make sense. Well what ever I guess... I'll keep my mouth shut...

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#8 2012-07-27 20:36:48

Mother, Sister, Daughter, Friend.
From: Edmonton, Canada.
Registered: 2009-07-22
Posts: 2406

Re: Censorship?

malu wrote:

... I'll keep my mouth shut...

I certainly don't want you to feel like you need to do that...I would think none of the other moderators do either.

I think the important thing to remember is the "constructive criticism" point.  Complaining for the sake of complaining is not helpful.  Offering a reason for the complaint/criticism is. 

I've seen other boards that can be quite negative in nature, and as a result, there is no real sense of community.  I personally feel we do have that sense of community here, and that means that sometimes we will disagree.  It's fine to disagree, as long as we all try to respect one another.  No one should feel like they can not voice their opinion (after all, we all have opinion's)...the key is to make sure we are respecting the overall integrity of the community as a whole.  Use the golden rule and ask yourself, "How would I feel if I read that?"  Whether it be a complaint, criticism, opinion, etc...if what you are writing would make you feel kind of bad if you read it from someone else, then change the tone of what you're writing.

To that end, I think we all need to remember that everything we do has an overall impact on the community as a whole.  Keeping signatures positive; usernames appropriate; games and other postings fun, constructive and generally positive; as well as conducting ourselves in a way that shows respect to ALL are things that add to the community (instead of chipping away at it.) 

The majority of people who play on this game tend to feel very passionate about it...let's make sure we all show that same passion for maintaining a fun, open and positive community on the boards too. :D

             **Board Admin - Moderator**

#9 2012-07-28 00:26:47

From: Under a blanket somewhere
Registered: 2009-07-18
Posts: 2124

Re: Censorship?

malu wrote:

Hmm..Well said Anya. But in the last few sentences does not make sense. Well what ever I guess... I'll keep my mouth shut...

I don't want you to feel like that. What is it you don't understand.


#10 2012-07-29 09:01:17

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: Censorship?

Sorry for making a big fuss.. I was not in such a good mood. OK then .. What I cant understand is about MDD. I can understand why Feerik might not want members to not talk about religion and items of a PG13 nature. Religion and stuff may/will cause problems in the community but talking about MDD doesn't. I don't understand why we cant talk about it that's all.. =)
Really sorry again if I sounded rude or negative in the last post ouf

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#11 2012-07-29 10:51:52

Mother, Sister, Daughter, Friend.
From: Edmonton, Canada.
Registered: 2009-07-22
Posts: 2406

Re: Censorship?

An official explanation was never given to me, but I inferred a few reasons for why:

1.) Feerik wasn't at fault for what happened with MDD. (That's all I can and will say about that.)

2.) It's a respect thing.  This is OhMyDollz...not MyDivaDoll.  Same game in nature, but also different (different community, different owners, etc.)  Think of it like this:  One is Coke and one is Pepsi.  If something happened and Coke was no longer able to be produced, it wouldn't be fair for Coke drinkers to switch to Pepsi and then go on a Pepsi forum and continue to talk about how much they missed Coke.

In other words, as a lot of MDD players migrated to this site when MDD shut down, it wouldn't really be fair to the pre-existing players and owners of this site to have us talk about MDD all of the time.

(Another analogy could be: Your Aunt Betty moves out of town so you starting going over to your Aunt Cindy's house.  You do nothing but talk about how much you miss Aunt Betty.  How do you think your Aunt Cindy would feel?)

Again, these are just explanations I've come up with (for myself, that I'm sharing with you)...nothing has officially been said as to why they don't want us to talk about MDD.  I was just told that they did not want us to.  (There may or may not also be legal reasons that I'm not aware of.)

I hope I was able to shed some light on your question, malu. :)  Bottom line, it's a respect thing for the fact that we are all now playing OhMyDollz (not the now defunct MyDivaDoll.)

             **Board Admin - Moderator**

#12 2012-07-29 15:17:36

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3285

Re: Censorship?

willowskye wrote:

An official explanation was never given to me, but I inferred a few reasons for why:

1.) Feerik wasn't at fault for what happened with MDD. (That's all I can and will say about that.)

2.) It's a respect thing.  This is OhMyDollz...not MyDivaDoll.  Same game in nature, but also different (different community, different owners, etc.)  Think of it like this:  One is Coke and one is Pepsi.  If something happened and Coke was no longer able to be produced, it wouldn't be fair for Coke drinkers to switch to Pepsi and then go on a Pepsi forum and continue to talk about how much they missed Coke.

In other words, as a lot of MDD players migrated to this site when MDD shut down, it wouldn't really be fair to the pre-existing players and owners of this site to have us talk about MDD all of the time.

(Another analogy could be: Your Aunt Betty moves out of town so you starting going over to your Aunt Cindy's house.  You do nothing but talk about how much you miss Aunt Betty.  How do you think your Aunt Cindy would feel?)

Again, these are just explanations I've come up with (for myself, that I'm sharing with you)...nothing has officially been said as to why they don't want us to talk about MDD.  I was just told that they did not want us to.  (There may or may not also be legal reasons that I'm not aware of.)

I hope I was able to shed some light on your question, malu. :)  Bottom line, it's a respect thing for the fact that we are all now playing OhMyDollz (not the now defunct MyDivaDoll.)

I understand all of what you have posted.  But this is my thought on that and more.

Not only was it not Feerik's fault that MDD shut down, it wasn't my fault either.  I don't see how mentioning MDD once in awhile is going to hurt.  Me personally, I don't "go on and on and on" about MDD but I do on occasion mention it.  I don't think to occasionally mention it should be a huge "cardinal sin" or something to reprimand someone.  Now if that person is, as I said, "going on and on and on and on" then that would be a good time to give out a warning.

I don't see anything wrong with giving "constructive criticism" for I feel that Feerik does frequent the boards and uses how we feel about certain things for upcoming items or Adventures.  I'm not really sure if the one who posts as "the" Sarah is actually someone from Feerik or just someone else logging that account, but I do still believe that Feerik checks things out.

The next part is somewhat hard to put in words, but I'll give it a try.  When people post in a thread of, say the current event/Adventure, giving their thoughts... whether positive or negative, if it seems that if the negative outweighs the positive & some of those negative responses are the one liners of "that's gross" "it sucks" "I don't like it,"  then perhaps when a mod comes to make an announcement such as what was made... instead of just putting "if everyone won't stop whining..."  they should target the "one liners."  Because for me, to say "everyone" that includes anyone who might have voiced constructive criticism...  and it's intimidating & makes me not want to ever post anything that might not be a glorifying review. 

And if I were forced to switch to Pepsi as opposed to Coke, I probably would be posting on Pepsi's forum about how I didn't like their flavor.  In such a case as that, I'd just stop drinking pop. 

Another example that might be a better way of looking at it as Willowskye is wanting us to look at it:

If you are married, or have a boyfriend/fiance and your significant other doesn't do things as good as what your father did... it's not fair to your husband or fiance or boyfriend to compare their shortcomings in things that your father did a lot better.  (for me... that's a BIG challenge since my dad, who has been dead for 8 years, did a lot of things better than my husband)

I think the biggest issue is that the individuals who actually sit down and think things over to voice their opinions in ways other than the short non-helpful ways feel that they've been slapped on the hand or had cold water thrown in their faces or they just feel that even they should stop posting what they feel if it is not rave reviews.

If anyone gets this far down, I hope I didn't bore anyone or throw fuel on a simmering fire.
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#13 2012-07-29 16:48:25

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: Censorship?

First of all.

And if I were forced to switch to Pepsi as opposed to Coke, I probably would be posting on Pepsi's forum about how I didn't like their flavor.  In such a case as that, I'd just stop drinking pop.

LOL! lol
I agree Sierra. And the MDD players who came here still talks about it. And I really think they should have the right to. MDD was special to them. Talking about it a tiny bit can't hurt..

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#14 2012-07-29 20:48:39

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012-01-28
Posts: 38246

Re: Censorship?

I've been re-reading and reading everything in this topic.

I understand what Willow and Anya are saying but I do agree with Sierradane. We need to target those who are negative in a negative way than saying everyone.

Also, I will voice my opinions no matter what. I'm very opinionated but I will or at least try to do it in a positive way; along with that, I'm very curious and do ask a lot of questions as some of the mods have seen already.
Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

#15 2012-07-30 00:59:55

Mother, Sister, Daughter, Friend.
From: Edmonton, Canada.
Registered: 2009-07-22
Posts: 2406

Re: Censorship?

sierradane wrote:

or throw fuel on a simmering fire.

I am going to try to address the points you brought up in a way that will hopefully allow this "fire" to die down, and also in a way that will leave everyone with a feeling that they certainly can voice their opinions/constructive criticism (rather then the one-line negatives that offer nothing of value to the community and/or game developers.) 

sierradane wrote:

it wasn't my fault either.  I don't see how mentioning MDD once in awhile is going to hurt.

It doesn't hurt when it's once in awhile and in passing.  We've all seen conversations on the board where someone may refer to "the other site", "That which should not be named", or even "MDD."  When it's done in passing, I haven't noticed moderators telling anyone to stop.  We MDD'ers do have that as part of our past and collective history, so of course it will still come up from time to time during certain conversations.  Usually, it's when someone is referring to the past (such as, "I remember on the other site, I used to..." or "I really miss my Hallowe'en stuff that I had on MDD.")  Heck, I've even done that myself once in a blue moon.

The point is that discussions based solely on MDD are not to take place on the boards, please.  No one can stop you from discussing it in private form with your friends...just not on the board.  (Again, a respect thing as per my above examples.) 

I hope the difference is now clear...once in a blue moon and casually in passing is understandable - to focus a discussion around MDD is not.  (If anyone does not understand still, please let me know and I'll try to explain it again.)

sierradane wrote:

& some of those negative responses are the one liners of "that's gross" "it sucks" "I don't like it,"  then perhaps when a mod comes to make an announcement such as what was made......they should target the "one liners."

I can not speak for Anya, and I am not going to attempt to do so.  I will, however, share how I saw it. 

To me, Anya was directing her comments at the "one liners", and everyone else just got caught in the crossfire.  As Anya has very clearly stated:

anyamalfoy wrote:

You are allowed to complain. I will defend your right to do so. However if the complaints turn into whining/non constructive criticism that's an entirely different matter. When you start doing that all you do is bring the community down/destroy it.

sierradane wrote:

instead of just putting "if everyone won't stop whining..."

Perhaps "whining" wasn't the best choice of words (and I can understand how it might make one feel), but it was (probably) her opinion about what the "one liners" were doing.  For me personally, one of the things I love about Anya as a mod. is that she can be so concise.  As we all know, I have a wee bit of a problem with that. Lol ;) 

My son is also rather concise, so I will base my next statement around him entirely.  I have noticed that sometimes when he is concise, he can be rather blunt.  Bluntness to some can feel like they've been stung, or "just had their hand slapped."  I know my son has a good heart and never means to make anyone feel like that. 

I know Anya has a good heart too.

Moderators are human.  Sometimes we may have a bad day and it might come through in our writing.  Sometimes we don't express ourselves as we may have meant too.  I guess that's all I can really say about that before I do start speaking for someone else...and, I definitely would not want to disrespect someone by doing that.  Again, I am just sharing how I personally interpreted things.

No matter what word was used, the message is still the same...if your complaint/criticism offers nothing of value, it's probably better to say nothing.  If your complaint/criticism does offer something of value, then both Anya and myself (and the other mods., I'm sure) will fight to the end to defend your right to do so.

Does that clarify the difference between offering one line of negativity vs. offering something constructive?  I hope so.

sierradane wrote:

I think the biggest issue is that the individuals who actually sit down and think things over to voice their opinions in ways other than the short non-helpful ways feel that they've been slapped on the hand or had cold water thrown in their faces or they just feel that even they should stop posting what they feel if it is not rave reviews.

I do not want those who post thoughtful criticism's to feel like that.

anyamalfoy wrote:

I don't want you to feel like that.

I am sure the other mods. don't want that either.

I hope those who do post constructive criticism will continue to do so, and can now please forgive the fact that you were just caught in the crossfire of a comment that was most likely directed at those who don't.

I do hope this issue has now been resolved to everyone's satisfaction?

             **Board Admin - Moderator**

#16 2012-07-30 02:41:23

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3285

Re: Censorship?

Believe it or not, I have the utmost respect for the moderators.  On other boards in other realms, I have been a moderator & I still am one on a few boards.  I do know the headache that being a moderator can create, and I do know that they can be bombarded with both important and valuable information or questions as well as non-sensical PM's as well as probably more than their fair share of hateful PM's.

And if you haven't guessed by now, I'm the type that tends to stand up for others or speak my mind.  Or as my brother would describe me, I'm a very blunt person; I say what I think.  But... I do try to think things over before I go full steam on certain subjects.  In other words, even though I am a blunt person I do know how to hold my tongue and when to do it.  And I do try to look at things from both sides.

More than likely, Anyamalfoy might not have intended to make what she had posted to be directed at anyone and everyone who might have posted or was even reading that post.  But then again, that's pure speculation.  It's just that at the time, it just felt like a total shut down of voicing opinions.  Thankfully though, that situation has been clarified. 

Perhaps the authors of those "one liners" might go over everything that has been posted and perhaps they might see how they would better serve the community with future responses. 

So to all the moderators, just because I don't write up a multitude of posts sending out my thanks for all that you do, doesn't mean that I do not appreciate what you all do for us.  I hope that all of you know that I do appreciate you girls and I do know what you are going through.

Sierradane  "Sierra"
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#17 2012-07-30 03:08:50

Mother, Sister, Daughter, Friend.
From: Edmonton, Canada.
Registered: 2009-07-22
Posts: 2406

Re: Censorship?

sierradane wrote:

Perhaps the authors of those "one liners" might go over everything that has been posted and perhaps they might see how they would better serve the community with future responses.

I hope they do as well.

sierradane wrote:

So to all the moderators, just because I don't write up a multitude of posts sending out my thanks for all that you do, doesn't mean that I do not appreciate what you all do for us.  I hope that all of you know that I do appreciate you girls...

Thank you. fete


I'd really like to have this topic end on a positive note, so I'm going to close this thread. (Not as a form of censorship or to prevent others from sharing their opinions...but, because I feel like this is now a positive place to leave things.) 

I apologize if anyone wanted to add something to this discussion and didn't get the chance to.  (If you really feel strongly that you have something positive to add to this conversation, please contact me through a PM and I'll unlock the thread so you may do so.  If you still have a question or don't understand something, again, if you contact me through a PM I'll be happy to help you/answer your question.) :)

I hope that by closing the thread at this point in the conversation, it will allow all who read it (and those who took part in the discussion) to be able to walk away from this with both understanding and feeling better about all of the issues brought up here. :)

If one of the other moderators would like to add something, they still can (even though I've closed the topic.)  :)

I'll leave one last thought:  We who play this game and use this board are a community...a family of sorts, if you will.  Families sometimes disagree or might say the wrong thing, but the love is still there.  I hope those who are a part of this community can and will continue to feel the love that is a part of this that I personally am proud to be a part of.  (I have a strong feeling I'm not alone in this.)  ;)

             **Board Admin - Moderator**

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