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#1 2012-12-07 11:55:58

Registered: 2011-01-18
Posts: 578

No one use Diva Chat???

I find it really funny that we have a chating room but no one use it non
I predict that Diva Chat is going to be taken out of the system since no one use it.
But my Question is why doesn't any one use Diva Chat?

It is so much easier then writing notes back and forth in my opinion. star

What do you guys think?

#2 2012-12-07 12:51:50

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3287

Re: No one use Diva Chat???

Why I don't use it:

I am not here to chat with people.  I no longer have any IM's on my computer, because I don't like chatting.  I've been in that chat just to look & anytime I've been there it's been full of individuals who are more than likely under the age of 21 who send one string of cuss words after another.  So if I don't like to chat, why sit there watching 2 dolls cuss one another out?

I don't mind communicating with anyone here, I've shared my email with a select few.  I don't mind giving advice in PMs but I don't like getting PMs with such messages as: "Hi, what are you doing?"  "Can we be bffs?"  And certainly, as soon as someone starts telling me about fake occurances in their life then they go on the banned list in my PM area.
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#3 2012-12-07 16:41:33

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

Re: No one use Diva Chat???

the chat is too laggy and it looks more like a 2D version of Habbo than like the kind of chat (i suppose) people would like to see here.

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#4 2012-12-10 07:28:57

Registered: 2010-11-12
Posts: 1316

Re: No one use Diva Chat???

I don't use it because there isn't that many people that are my friends to chat.I only Chat on my comments or on via private message.Thats all.

be kind. always.

#5 2012-12-10 13:46:23

Chat moderator
From: somewhere :)
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 1445

Re: No one use Diva Chat???

i think that chat here is really fun , well it used to be ... when it was full of people i find it more easier to make friends over here. and its really fun. the reason i dont go there is that i dont find anyone not a single diva!! every time i enter.

i have been thinking for a while for making some kind of amm a time where all of us might enter together and invite more people to join, maybe then people would start entering, but then i change my mind :/


#6 2012-12-11 00:14:53

Chat moderator
From: Texas
Registered: 2009-09-04
Posts: 111

Re: No one use Diva Chat???

Although I like the idea of the chat rooms, I think there are TOO many. It would be easier to run into someone to talk to if there were less rooms. Plus I find it more convenient to reply to a comment or PM than to chat with someone.

"For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return." ~ Leonardo Da Vinci

#7 2012-12-11 02:33:29

Registered: 2010-11-12
Posts: 1316

Re: No one use Diva Chat???

hayley77 wrote:

i think that chat here is really fun , well it used to be ... when it was full of people i find it more easier to make friends over here. and its really fun. the reason i dont go there is that i dont find anyone not a single diva!! every time i enter.

i have been thinking for a while for making some kind of amm a time where all of us might enter together and invite more people to join, maybe then people would start entering, but then i change my mind :/

Same with me!I don't see anyone but me in the diva chat either!

be kind. always.

#8 2012-12-11 04:08:24

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: No one use Diva Chat???

I like talking here. And I actually have shared my contact information with a few of the players so it's easier to talk to them by texting (those that are in texting range)
I don't get on until like 7pm.
And everytime I've tried to get on the chat, it would never load for me. Ever since we got the chat, I've been on it once and talked to one person who asked me to join them to talk.
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#9 2012-12-12 01:10:47

From: El más grande... lejos!
Registered: 2011-07-11
Posts: 288

Re: No one use Diva Chat???

I don't use the chat because I prefer play in this game (change my doll's outfits, go shopping, makeover, etc.). But I see that the chatting room is comfortable and practical . Sometimes I went to divachat (because of hunts!) and NEVER found anyone there!  quoi

#10 2012-12-12 15:56:08

From: Watching a Hockey Game
Registered: 2010-12-05
Posts: 565

Re: No one use Diva Chat???

Everytime I go to the Divachat no one is there...maybe I'm just going at times taht everyone is busy doing other things.
I am glad that I haven't been there to see people cussing or using inappropriate language. I get enough of that from movies, TV, facebook, etc.


#11 2012-12-17 17:21:33

From: The Glorious PNW
Registered: 2011-02-27
Posts: 5733

Re: No one use Diva Chat???

Why I can't  use diva chat:

I'm not allowed to use public chats.

#12 2012-12-19 11:34:11

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: No one use Diva Chat???

I do go on there from time to time but, like the others said before, I can't find anyone there. I wish they had only one or two chat room where everyone can chat instead of having millions. It increases the chance of us actually using it.
I used to go there to chat with a friend but now I barely use it.
It is more easier just to comment or PM a person instead.

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