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YAY Kiera!
Awe!~ That looks cute!
Ooooh le little android looks so cute!
Look, clubs already at 2 pages! ALL HAIL DARKY!
HAIL! HAIL! :D LOL! This club is famous!
*Le flourishes hands* Aye!
Okay...Thanks...And fluorishes hands? Never thought I'd ever get those.
Well You did! *Clap* I might post a Darky Elf Queen Quiz later. :D
Wow. I thought that yall were crazy. but they need to make another word for this. I'm joining too!!!
Yeah Angel. I spent the whole day trying to think of suitable adjectives and I ran out of vocabulary.
And quiz, Malu?
Last edited by darkelfqueen (2012-12-12 19:07:40)
Yup. Quiz. :D Wait for it! I'll make it tomorrow!
I wonder...
It's about you!
Can't wait to see it, Malu. And Angel, we have gone absolutely bonkers.
Ah yes! That's the word! Bonkers!
It's all because of YOU, Rare! You gave them the permission! Now I'm going to haunt you...forever and ever and ever...And maybe play ACIII with you!
LOL! Go Rare!
People will think we are bonkers... YAYY!!
Malu, darling, people won't think you're bonkers. They'll KNOW you're bonkers.
Awe! I think its' sweet when you call people Darling.
Hehe, LOL! I made a nickname for you.. Darkling!
I love using 'Darling', too! People think it weird when someone uses that, so I only use it when I'm sarcastic.
LOL. Isn't that the term used when a human is being turned into a vampire?
Last edited by darkelfqueen (2012-12-12 21:36:36)
Hehe.. Really? How about Darking? Sounds like Parking!
LOL! Darkling is better.
Forecast today:
Darky is busy tackling her dreaded exams.
The boards are lonely without her.
It's like a dry desert here.
Oh well. WE MISS YOU!